Another use for the KH T-Handle!

Wood dowel will be cut into 3rd’s and I’ll connect the pieces using threaded inserts, like a pool cue, so it can be broken down for easy transport. Works well, and keeps my hands free to ride, vs holding the boom. Dowel can be angled up/down and camera can be flipped upside down as well. Note the rubber stopper at the end.

Btw, if using a brake it can be attached as usual to the dowel and not interfere with filming. When finished, just remove dowel and replace with regular T-handle. I was going to use 22.4mm aluminum tubing but couldn’t find any locally. Although hollow, it could still be made to break down the same way by gluing in short dowels at the end of each piece, then installing inserts.

Very creative! Look forward your next video test :slight_smile:

Ok here’s the finished boom, modified to three individual sections for easy transport, and also gives three size options for boom.




Very, very cool Terry!!!
+1 for the matching painting :slight_smile:


If you UPD with that it will be sort of like pole vaulting on a unicycle.


…hahaha! guaranteed that video would go viral. :smiley:

Except something like this would be bound to happen, especially since the boom is wood! Not to mention I would probably end up “Skewered Geezer”! :astonished:

Does it feel weird on the front of the unicycle