Another Strange, Time-wasty Kinda Game

this is really strange


I got 2 out of 5. Yes, that is a very strange game…

Here’s another one. Maybe this has been posted before. It’s definitely a little more stressful than tossing the diver, but still fun.

1151 first try on the chopper game… is this terrible?

sounds pretty good to me, I got only 975 on my first…

Any run over 1000 and you’re doing pretty well. I think 1700-ish is the best I’ve done, and I played it a bunch for a while.

First time I was going really well and then pressed the right mouse button and then the left didn’t work so of course i crashed on 949.
Then I did it again and got 1412…but it gets pretty monotonous.

as i diver myself i find this very amusing! lol its tight!