Alright, so my dad is having trouble getting his law firm ad in the phone book because of the stupid phonebook company. Because of all the trouble, the phonebook company sacraficed two VIP front row seats to the Seattle Mariners game for us!!! Woo hooo!!! As for the unicycling part, I made a sign that says “Unicyclists Love Mariners” and we’re going to wave it around. Because the cameras usually focus on “unique” signs, I think we might be on TV! Sorry I don’t have a pic beause I’m at my grandma’s house and don’t have a camera, but I’ll take one when I get home. Sorry about you non-mariner loving unicycists, but just for today do me a favor and cross your unicycles for 'em!
Well, I didn’t get on the screen, we lost, and I forgot to take the sign. But hey, we had a bunch of fun in our UBER expensive suite that gave us free food and beveraaage! Here’s a pic of our suite with my dad smiling like a drunk (even though he didn’t have a single beer):