Ankle Rehabilitation?

I twisted my ankle one week ago when I was running and stepped on a loose rock. So, my ankle swelled up within 10 seconds to at least double its size original. We got it checked and it isn’t broken but is badly sprained (level 3 sprain) so I have now immobilized it. I’ve sprained thee same ankle a couple of months ago doing trials so I think the ligaments didn’t heal completely so the ankle was already weakened, what can I do?

Once the swelling has gone down do you guys know of any rehab I could do to build up strength again in my ankle so that I can unicycle again?

Thanks in advance for your help;

P.S. should this have been posted in Rec?

I looked on google and found this There’s pic. at the bottom

I did most of thoes when I sprained my ankle. I cant say they helped me all that much as my foot was much weaker than normal for a period of 4-6 months. The big thing for me was to take it easy and slowly get back into the normal things you do pushing it only a little at a time.

13 days later;

I’ve finally tried unicycling again, the swelling isn’t all gone yet but is down alot and I can move the ankle again. Thanks for the link and the advice. :slight_smile:

I fell down a flight of steps and tore some ligaments, my physio told me it would take 3 months to heal fully and she turned out to be correct, i’d suggest keeping it strapped all the time you’re awake with a sports support if it still hurts, also several times a day take a few minutes to roll your ankle in all directions and raise yourself on your toes slowly several times, this will aid strength and reduce any chance of loss of movement caused by ligament shortening. Hope that helps.

My physio gave me a load of exercises to be getting on with a few weeks ago. I found that by far the most useful were:

  1. Standing with the balls of my feet on a step and slowly going up onto tiptoes and back down again, as far as I can.

  2. Standing on one leg (which incidentally helps with my absolutely shocking balance/stability) and bending the leg until I feel it start to pull across the top of my foot, then slowly coming back up (being sure not to jerk the knee back).

I’m going back to the physio this afternoon, fully prepared to be shouted at for not doing everything they told me to three times a day. I reckon the most important thing to remember is that whatever you do, it’s going to take time to get back up to speed.