Anime Naruto

Ever since my friend from college got me into Naruto ive been addicted and have tried to get more people into watching it because its so compelling and the best cartoon apart from Johny Bravo :stuck_out_tongue:

The site is and you can download the episodes from there with subtitles.

Who else on here is into Naruto?


A few of the people who I attended college with are highly addicted to that series. Ive managed to catch an episode or two when I happened to be visiting them.

Unfortunaly, I donā€™t have alot of time to spare so that I can get into a series like that. Guess that is the way life is to some of us. It would proably end up anywayes with a bunch of other stuff that would fall under my personal list of ā€œgood intentionsā€ but never have a chance of getting done anytime to soon.

Fortunaly, when I do get to visit, I get to here about most of the series, which is proably the next best thing to watching it.

It is really entertaining haveing a unqiue assortment of contacts who are into varying things. If I want to know something, all I really need to do is simply ask then I gain all that I need.

Interesting topic to make my first post on.

I currently own Episodes 1-122 on DVD and have the first 5 Manga(episodes 1- 50, I think). Naruto is not only hilarious, but dope, because itā€™s full of hardcore ninjas like Kakashi and kakashiā€™s dogā€¦