Animated Gifs

I would like to make a few animated gifs of some of the unicycle pics I have. I know some of you enjoy making anigifs so please share what programs you use. If possible, I would like to use free programs.

Also, I have a friend with a Sony p8 digi cam. This cam has a 16 shot burst mode. The result of a 16 shot burst is a single jpg file with 16 “frames” on it. I would like to find a way to break up the pic into 16 separate pics, or turn the whole thing into an animated gif.


Either download the GIMP for free at

Or get Adobe Photoshop for somewhere around 1-200 dollars at
Office Depot or some other store like that.

try 200-60 USD, it ain’t cheap. Or you can do what I do and find someone who has a burned copy of it or borrow it from a friend. Adobe Photo Shop 7 comes with ImageReady, you can make anigifs there.

Or if you’re like me you can Download it off a p2p server for free.

the easiest way I have found to make ani gifs is to create them in Macromedia Flash (free 30 day trial)

you can export flash movies as ani gifs.

edit: easy because i knew flash before I discovered it…it may be more inconvenient to learn flash than some anigif specific program