I just had to play around to see if I could make my avatar into an animated one.
What do you think?
I just had to play around to see if I could make my avatar into an animated one.
What do you think?
He doesnt wobble much…
Soda? That looks like the deep black of a Guinness to me…
i think i’m just going to post just so my animated avatar is right up there with everyone elses. lots of unicycles going no where but working very hard.
i got mine from scott stephens. i haven’t seen him post here in a while, but when he changed his avatar to a dancing banana, i decided to use his old one.
does either photoshop 7 or imageready make animated gifs? just curious
Animated Avatars
I don’t know if you mean me or not. I have been using smilies which I found at The Smiley Gallery which I found on Google. I definitely did not create them. They were made by many contributors. There is a list of 22 people who participated. The site is a gathering of smilies intended for use on the HOTU forum (I assume that means Home of the Underdogs). I hope Vanguard3000 doesn’t mind others using them too. Following the links from that site I found a whole heap more smilies, and some freeware that might be capable of editing gifs, but it is for Windows 98 onwards and I am on 95.
There’s no way of telling if people’s avarters are original…
i just found a new one what do u guys think?
how did u get that animated name underneath your post?? cause i found a cool one that i want to use.
For those who know what the term “fluffy puff marshmallows” means, this one’s for you.
Unfortunatley, it’s too big for this bloved forum. . . sigh
After all, i’m in need of a new avatar.
Re: jester…
First of all I made the animation using Xara 3D. Then I went into the User Cp and edited my signature. You simply click the IMG button, (it’s below where you choose size, font, and color) you enter the location of your image.
I uploaded mine to my website Unicycle.com2.info, and just typed in the exact location.
Wal- lah! You have your animated logo for a signature!!
i figured it out but it has all that crap behind it is that from downloading the demo version?
Here’s mine <–
from an old picture of my unicycle
I’m happy with the one I have!!!
Re: hey
Justin are you talking about Xara 3D? I assume you are… yes the demo version has that annoying background…but hey remember it’s free. I noticed you tryed to put an image in your signature. You need to upload it first to somewhere on the net… You may be able to see the image right now, but nobody else can. So i reccomend getting some webspace from unicyclist.com…
I’m a 3D programmer so I could easily create 3D text (animated or not) and screen capture it and stuff… in fact I’ll do that right now…
Hmmm… too big… I’ll downsize it…
These are the ones ive made… avatars!
Heres mine (hopefully). Its Gir from Invader Zim eating a cupcake.