Must be original art work.
Should it be unicycle related?
I will start by giving my own 3 out of 10
I have a collection (many from here) but I don’t remember who they all belong to. I could post them in a message if it won’t cause offence to the owners.
Cybeross has a coool one. Well, I consider it cool, but not many other people probably do. And Cybeross rarely ever posts on here any more.
I don’t even have an avatar. I don’t think I do anyway, I never pay attention and I use too many different forums.
[EDIT: Wait, original artwork? Like, made by yourself, not just found on Google or somewhere? I don’t think Cybeross made his. And I don’t even have a sufficient graphics editor.]
Yep, Im talking about the cube.
Someone here, I can’t remember who, has a ton of little smiley faces that I think he made himself. His avatar is that soda drinking one.
No reason not to. When the talk was about doodie’s some time ago, I e-mailed that to Jagur instead of posting it here. I thought it might be a bit too gross for a family forum but maybe it isn’t.
Did you create your avatar yourself? I was wondering what I was looking at. It looks like a cloud of green particles that are attracted by an invisible mass, fly into and past each other and turn white in the process. I was trying to find an analogon in physics but could not come up with a convincing case. What is it?
And JJuggle (let’s see if you read this), is a Dogmato-Revisionist someone who wants to revise history and bring Enver Hoxha back into power? Then I can see why you are the last one!
I created my avatar using Jasc’s “Animation Shop” which is part of Paintshop Pro 7.
I am afraid it is just an abstract creation of mine, although I wondered if there was some relation to the motion of pedalling & sine-waves bla bla bla or something.
Something along those lines. Had a brief conversation about this with someone at the Unithon. Hoxha, apparently, sided with Maoist China at a time when everyone else in the region and apparently his country was siding with the Soviets. Believe it or not Hoxha’s position, called by some Dogmato-Revisionism, was hotly debated among the socialists and communists in New York City back in the 70s. There were flyers posted all around about it for a while. (I wish I had taken one.)
For all I know there already is or was, but I always believed that if I were involved in a band, we’d be called the Dogmato-Revisionists. Too bad I can’t play an instrument.
on there are a load of cool uni’s that do tricks and stuff (not sure if they are on the only problem is they are too big for an avatar
Is it possible to reduce it slightly? If so would anyone be willing to do it for me?? (yes, I know i’m lazy blah blah, but our PC is really old and doesnt like graphicsy things) thanks a lot if anyone can be bothered (which I doubt VERY MUCH!! tskk some ppl)
oops, it is limited to 60 x 60 as well as 20k… I will have another go at the weekend if you are keen… Let me know the particular one you want (right click on it and get the file name from properties)…