Andrew Carter's Avatar...

I can’t help thinking that Andrew’s current avatar looks like an excellent “Crash of the Year” award. You should get some models made… :slight_smile:




I’ve seen the video and man its painful looking. The pic looks strangely artistic.


Before I realized what it really is I thought it was a BRAKE HANDLE.

Crash of the Year it is.

I miss the turkey head.

Yep, the turkey head was good.

:slight_smile: The video still makes me laugh. Anyone who buys a copy of our Australian unicycling movie (see for details) can see it in slow motion in high res. :wink:

I have a special treat for you - the post faceplant facial expressions!


Andrew’s crash is visually appealing, but not worthy of crash of the year honors. For one, he didn’t break any bones. Now Harper’s crash is worthy of crash of the year honors. He broke his leg and then was man enough to ride his unicycle home with that broken leg. Harper’s the man. Harper’s mistake was not getting the crash on film so he could really brag about it later.

And to Harper we give a small gold statuette of the Carter Crash. The tire is the pedestal, and Andrew is the figure. We can put a plaque on the tire saying “For Greg Harper, Extraordinarily Extraordinary Unicyclist Extraordinaire, and his amazing crash”

Damn…must crash harder…

When , I missed this one. Poor old harper.


That was probably a bad choice of word… I wasn’t suggesting that it was the crash of the year (although face-versus-tyre has got to be quite high up there) but that Andrew’s avatar looks like a little trophy of some sort.

If the performer of the Crash of the Year was given a little trophy of a tyre with a faceplant in progress I think people would be much less against the idea of horrible crashes. I’d like one on my mantelpiece!


Edit: excuse the rubbish picture, two minutes worth of ms-paint grooviness!


<reads thread again>

PopeSamXVI… spot on, that’s the badger! We could have a posh dinner-do and everything.


Yeah, a big red carpet ride into the the hall. Then dinner and the announcement of the crash of the year.

But for all the time and money we’d need to create other awards. Like…well I don’t know. But you get the idea.

But weres the unicycle?did you edit it out?
how do we even know that its a unicycle crash by looking at the picture?

That’s another thing I like about this little bideo clip. I was gapping/dropping from a stack of two tyres the size of the one in the picture. The uni slipped backwards and rolled straight into the middle of the stack of two tyres and I fell forwards. That’s why my feet are up so high…because they stayed at the height of the first stack of tyres. It looks funny in the video because the uni is caught safely in the tyres while I go on to faceplant.
