And then it clicked!

OK, so we all know there isn’t any magic trick to learning to unicycle, and probably if there was it wouldn’t be half as much fun, but I suspect with many aspects of unicycling there is normally the “final piece” that clicks into place just before you first land that new trick you’ve been trying for days.
Now, they won’t be the same for everyone, but sharing learning experiences is a great side of this forum, and could well help other people, so I thought in this thread we could share what was the final piece for you.

So, for me, I was working on freemounting, and the last piece was definitely looking up and ahead! I kept looking at the pedals to find where to put my feet, but once I just trusted that my body knew where to put them now and looked ahead at where I needed to go right from the start I finally managed it.

SWEET! Gotta love it when something clicks. I still look at the pedal, maybe I’ll try not looking tonight.

Great thread!

The final piece for me when I was working on crankflips took forever to snap into place. About a year ago I finally got it though. Once I took a bit of time and separated the steps in my head the trick finally flowed into place. I had to think, lean forward, apply weight to the front pedal as I’m jumping up. Once I got in the air I had to rely mostly on courage and knowing that I had the skill to spot that front pedal and slam my feet back in to land it. Once I finally made sure I was paying attention to what needed to be done and that I was doing it in the proper order the tricked seemed so much easier. I landed it probably 2 days after I started separating the steps.

Actually, there is a trick.

It’s posting your unicycling threads in the unicycling forum.

It’s twice as fun, 'cause you’ll have the attention of the unicycling community!

If you keep posting here in Just Conversation, you’re limiting yourself to hanging out with a bunch of Moist Retards…

Hey PurpleFW and AnimalCage. It just clicked with me one day that I should have started the Learning Journal thread in Rec.Sport.Unicycling instead of Just Conversation. But there were several good posts already and there was nothing to be done!

Maestro - I don’t know what Moist Retards means (and maybe I don’t want to!) but I think I kinda agree that hanging out here in Just Conversation is not usually the place for good unicycling tips. But it is kinda fun so I check in occasionally and see what madness is being discussed out here:D

I remember the static freemount clicked with me when I really focused on throwing my body forward so that when my foot hit the pedal I had to start pedaling right away. And yes, I still have to look right at the pedal until my foot is on it - no blind mounts for me yet! :astonished:

I always look at the pedals when I’m mounting, especially when rolling mount of jump mount.

Nice one Purple, that “clicking moment” is pretty sweet.

And Maestro is right, even when he’s wrong.
But we love him anyway.

A long, long time ago I was struggling with learning to ride without a support. Whether that was a rail, a wall or someone’s arm - I didn’t make any progress.

Until I decided that I just had to plunge in head first. I put my hands on the wall, facing the open room and just shoved myself forward.

From there it was just working on getting more and more rotations done, until I finally reached the opposite wall.

Well then it’s your fault cos I was going from your example :stuck_out_tongue:

See that’s interesting because when I freemount (fairly sure I’m doing a rolling mount) 9 times out of 10 if it doesn’t work it’s because I’m looking at the pedals and as soon as I remind myself to look up I manage it, I find if I’m looking down then I just cannot get the forward momentum going soon enough, but then I’m not terribly good at balancing on the unicycle, I have to get going as soon as I’m up there.

I tried last night, and it was sad. I suppose one goal of mine, in broad, sweeping strokes, is to be able to ride a uni without looking like I have to give a thought to any aspect of it. Someday…

New thread

Thought I’d follow advice and put it in rec instead, so post there please now :slight_smile:

A long time ago I got tired of talking about unicycling. But I really enjoy interacting with my forum friends, so I hang out exclusively in JC now (but not in MR, no matter how you define it).

P.S. - Good thread! While the act of learning to unicycle (I think) usually never has that “click” moment, that’s not necessarily the case with learning other unicycle skills. Oops, sorry to post on topic, but I’m not going over to RSU. Have a nice thread. :slight_smile:

Have you tried to ask a moderator? They should be able to move a thread…

I’m amazed that you are able to perform a static or rollback mount while looking at the pedal. :thinking:

I haven’t tried a rolling or jump mount - but I guess that these would be difficult without looking at the pedals… :slight_smile:

PurpleFW - we are going to keep your thread going here anyway! So that is your fault :). But since you followed my lead starting it here then it must be my fault. I’ll take it.

Hi Klaus. No, I haven’t and I don’t know how. I tried to reach the site administrator once before for something else but never got a response, and now I don’t remember how I did that. But I like the Learning Journal thread where it is anyway. We all know where it is :smiley:

That’s the cool thing about unicycling, we all do it our own way. And somehow we each figure it out! :sunglasses:

When I started riding and was trying to ride along walls and stuff my friend said don’t bother, it’ll only teach you to be lopsided and is just a comfort blanket, you’ll have to go without eventually anyway! So I did the same, got on in the corner of a room, aimed for the other corner and just kept getting back on till I could do it.
Yesterday my sister wanted to learn and I helped her get on and let her go a few rotations leaning on my arm, but after that I said “You’ve just got to find the guts and go!” after 20mins or so she was managing 3 rotations solo. She was actually getting surprisingly into it, after the first couple of attempts the girly screams and giggles disappeared and she was really getting determined! I think if she had the time (which she sadly doesn’t) she may end up being another little female unicyclist.