...and she's a beauty!!!

I got my new Bedford “Goth-girl” T-shirt today, and I’m guessing it’s hot off the presses, and she is hot on a red background. Fully dressed for all you prudes out there, :wink: and no tattoos (showing). Anyone else get their’s yet? No uni in the pic, just her sitting across the logo. Works for me. :smiley:

…on closer examination, she does have a small tattoo, keeping with the spider theme, (yeah!). however, she has no piercings, (or at least not showing) :wink:

I wouldn’t really call her a goth. She has more of that Josie and the Pussy Cats look.

But nice looking logo for a t-shirt.

Why is Darren so crazy about making T-shirts with girls on them?

Because we keep buying them :smiley: Or maybe he just likes the girls, I know I do.


You gotta love F***Me boots… :stuck_out_tongue:

Reminds me of the girl from NCIS