I’ve thought about that too!
Me, I want the bar to be on my (open) casket, and upbeat music playing. There shall be a dress code: Hawaiian shirts for the men, slinky black cocktail dresses for the women… Wish I was going to be around to see it
I’ve thought about that too!
Me, I want the bar to be on my (open) casket, and upbeat music playing. There shall be a dress code: Hawaiian shirts for the men, slinky black cocktail dresses for the women… Wish I was going to be around to see it
for those who understand french here is a reminder of the age-old practice:
play track 5B “l’enterrement de belle-maman”
(about a funeral …)
I plan to die in a manner such that my body is never found, seems by far the best way to go.
As for me, I don’t plan to die until I have absolutely no other choice.
same here, God’s going to have to take me kicking and screaming.
as far as the bar-service, i see no problem w/ it. the church i grew up going to found it’s root in a local bar.
I forget the comic who said it, but it was something like, “Some people say that at their funeral, they hop people say ‘He was a kind man’, or ‘He could always make you laugh’. Me, I hope at my funeral they say ‘Look, he’s still breathing!’”
I want everybody at my funeral to be naked.
Edit/ Edited out that I thought that was awesome.