An Official Introduction


ive have posted few times here but here is a proper introduction
O.K…i: am waiting for a uni to arrive soon so cant wait to get started and to learn as much as i can fit in my head about it :astonished: ;I can Juggle 4 balls max, at the moment annyway :wink: working on 5, 3 clubs + lots of tricks)…BUT…what ive been doing since i was 10 is XCM (Xtreme Card Manipulating), Card Flourshing, Card Cuts and since i was bout 9 ive brrn doing Close-up and street magic, i do restaurant work, table hopping showing tricks :slight_smile: …(by the way you can find out about XCM here: its really really cool)…anyway thats about it for me :slight_smile:

p.s. if there is like an introducing thread i didnt know about, you can move this post, or something :astonished: :smiley:


Welcome to the fora!

If you want any tips on learning to ride, check out both and my unicycling journal that can be found in my signature, that details the first 35 days of me learning to ride. I hope both of those references will help! :slight_smile:

Iguess that this makes two of us

I picked up a uni yesterday at a garage sale. So far I can sit in my driveway and I have reached the point where I only have to hold on with one hand. Oh yeah, I “rode for about 3/4 of a revolution. ( is there a spell check in this forum?”)

Have you seen some of the posts on these forums?
sparrowhawk, one of the most helpful links I can give you