An impostor amongst us

Congratulations went out to our fellow unicyclist and forum poster “Phlegm” last Saturday as he took a medal in this year’s CMW trials competition.

Little did we know, his trials performance was cybernetically enhanced. The photo shown below is evidence of his bionic arms, which flew off during a drive at the CMW disc golf tournament. His right arm can be seen as a blur in the right half of the picture, just above Rob’s head. The receptacle for his right arm is clearly visible just below his right shoulder.

Surely these bionic arms would help him lift his uni during many of the hops and gaps required on the trials course. Will we stand for artificially enhanced competitors?

This is on par with watergate! :astonished:

Clearly my arms are retracted into my half-shell. :smiley:

That picture of me is strange. It makes me look like I actually know what I’m doing.

It appears the photo was taken at great risk to the photographer. That arm could have flown off in any direction and impacted with great force upon the photographer.


You should keep your arms on at all times - Not like you’d want to hurt somebody!

Or would you?

Just the other day there was this Guy on Ripley’s Believe It Or Not who was a stuntman who didn’t have any arms, and he is in action movies where it is necessary to have someone with no arms. Which apparently is more often than you would think.

Oh I don’t know, he looks pretty 'armless to me.

Was this all prompted by the comment I wrote on the online album the night Nathan posted them? I think it was a great chance-shot!

I didn’t even notice the comment… just like I didn’t even notice the fact that Kevin is part android. Guess I don’t have an eye for details…