An end to religious threads?

See what I found on Google images?

Answers a lot of questions.


What a naughty old lady!
Looking under Jesus skirt!

Trying to decide if it’s a five footer or a six footer.

There were a lot of girls following him, so I bet it’s a six footer.

in all reals, it looks like a 4-5 ft :stuck_out_tongue:

We should ask the lady.

Well, if he can walk on water and part the red sea, he should easily be able to give us a 3-speed uni! Low, 1:1, high. :slight_smile:

haha, that has defined religion. there is no need for any more threads!

Thank you! :smiley:

mk you find out where she lives and Il meet u there

I’ve heard that she lives in Curitiba, Brazil.
When do we meet then?

That was not Jesus but Moses, young man.

And as to the walk on water part: Walter de Valk, a Dutch unicyclist, can ride on water. Could Jesus do that on his giraffe?


Just as likely it was the FSM. :stuck_out_tongue:


When you come pick me up :stuck_out_tongue:

HA HA you make ME wana try it

He did not. But he did split the green pea.

Made a damn fine soup too. But no ham, please. Wouldn’t be kosher.

Ok then! But you’ll have to wait 'til november :o

I could run there by then

Edit: Wait, I’ll unicycle, now do you think they’ll mind if I go threw the boarder stop on Coker? I personal think it would bring up a lot of questions

Wut? :thinking:


on a diff rent note, I realize that I cant spell, and that may have skewed the image I was going for:p

Hahaha I didn’t understand anything!