America's Army Problem!

i cant get the download to work. does anybody play or lknow how to work it. or even send it to me?


the gaem put out by the military… ik ant get it to work… i just wen thtrough a 12 hour downoad nd it doeant work…

Don’t bother

what? why its sa great game i hear…

It wont even let you shoot americans.

Just play Counter strike. Or battlefield.

as for download, try using a download manager such as

They should make an Iraq’s Army game, where you get to play an insurgent and shoot Amerikan infidels.
And if you forget to perform your daily prayer at the right time, you get smited instantly.

You’re just going to have to d-load it again, or pay to have it shipped on CD/DVD to you. It’s a pretty good game, just remember that the whole point is to make you want to go and enlist :wink: Oh, and when you do special forces training in the game, you can learn CPR, how to treat bleeding wounds, and treat shock (the training “missions” for the medic consist of sitting in a virtual classroom watching a slideshow and being lectured ;)).

Yvan Eht Nioj, dude!

I have played americas army. I like enemy territory better. Its a great game


okay nice to know guys!

for ET?

you need both the game and the 2.60b patch.

find the #1 server if you download the game

Im there a lot

Maybe you should go on the America’s Army forum instead?

They have it.

Insurgency, it’s a HL2 mod.

infiltration is good, but you need unreal tournament for it

true combat:elite is a mod for enemy territory, and is also good but not as real

wait. whats unreal tournament


i know…haha but what is it.

Don’t bother downloading the Xbox 360 version. Don’t buy it either unless they completely re-work the game before release. It’s not very good.

Unreal Tournament is just a computer game that is only for multiplayer basically.
My favorite version was the original that came out in 99. It’s amazing.