Americans getting chipped.

I have read some research concerning a microchip that is to be implanted in humans in the near future. Anyone heard much about this?

well theres a chip much like the animal id thing that rich over pretective parents get put in there children who are dumb enough to lose themselves

That’s the one. They are talking about using it for medical identification, financial status, geneology, and personal history. All stored on a chip, inside our body. It does also have GPS. Sounds like a good method of control. I have read that this may one day be mandatory for all American citizens. Apparantly, the President can enforce any form of ID deemed necessary for national security. In the light of the “terrorism”, and other threats, it seems that it could be a reality one day.

These chips are 100% optional and are made for people that have medical conditions that are serious. It’s the same concept as elderly people having medical tags.

Unless someone gives a link, I don’t believe they have GPS in them. GPS transcievers are big and draw a decent amount of juice. The only chips I’ve heard of are RFID which draw minimal current, have a very finite amount of storage. In addition, the RFID chips can not be scanned from far away due to the deflection they make in the scanning field.

All-in-all, the security concerns are low, but still very real. That aside, it’s nothing like having a GPS (which offers zero real benefit to a read-only, informational chip!) embedded.

I’d also like to see where it was written that this may be compulsary “one day”. Enforcing ID is not the same as “requiring all people to have a surgical procedure to implant a device under your skin”. The leap from one to the next is HUGE and fantastical. This is another point that is either premature hysteria or pure rumor and speculation. There is absolutely zero precedent in any recorded law that’d allow this to happen.

Having said all of that, I’d never get one of these myself. While I don’t “do anything wrong”, I value my privacy and won’t give it up for some very minimal and intangible “convenience”.

Sounds like baloney to me.

I’ve read that people used to say we would all be riding around in personal hover cars by the year 2000.

Today. What about next year? The idea being that this will be possible in the relatively near future. Very desirable for some things, but very scary for others. Like a medical ID bracelet you can never lose, this could be a lifesaver for diabetics, people with serious allergies, etc. A locator chip would be great for small children, people with developmental disabilities, people with alzheimers or dimentia, etc.

The question is who gets to know where who is, and who has to be findable. Technology is neither good nor evil; it’s what you do with it that has the potential for both. I wouldn’t mind having a GPS chip in every convicted sex offender and felon who is either in prison or out on parole. Getting your freedom back would be to have the chip removed.

Our dogs have chips.

Like “requiring” all people to get vaccines, involving a needle being poked under your skin? Not much different.

If people don’t want chips in them they will simply cut them out. That would be another aspect of the ID question. With RFID tags appearing on more and more products in the coming years, many of these questions will become interesting conversation items…

Eventually technology will progress to a point that you could feasibly graft animal parts onto a human being. What if the government made us do that because the people in charge really like bunny ears?

My point? “What ifs” are silly to really worry about when A) there’s more pressing issues that are REAL and immediate to concern ourselves with (like, you know, every damned thing the Bush admin is doing right now) and B) they’re not even possible right now.

The only responsible answer is that nobody knows where anybody is.

E.g., the data is secure and not monitored actively. If a need is identified, that person is queried and located. Other than that, the information stays ethereal. However, this again is under the premise that locator chips are compulsary - something that would likely result in civil war before it was ever implimented in the US population.

The difference is vast and sweeping. Implantation is a medical procedure under every state of the US. There are MANY concerns with dealing with rejection, infection, irritation, migration, calcification, nerve damage, the list goes on and on. It’s NOTHING like “just getting a vaccination”.

Not the way it’s going at the moment.
The preznit just needs to mumble something about ‘nashinil sakuurehty’, the senators will flip-flop and do nothing (can you say ‘fillibuster’?) and it’ll be law.
Have a quick look at some of the draconian crap they’ve passed in the recent past and this issue becomes way more worrying.
Add to that the convenience of not having to carry a bunch of keys around for your house, office or car and the security of being able to locate a missing/abducted child and suddenly being opposed to the idea will make you look like an unpatriotic hick.
(Expect a major hike in reported child abductions just before they try n spring this one.)

Now I have these tinfoil hats available in the standard design and…

I’ll take some your tin foil hats.

To bememike: you’re right. We should be looking at what Bush is doing, and all his croneys. This is the kind of crap they are up to. Creating illusions, inventing their own terrorists, sending fear through the America’s, and then proposing new ways to “control” the threat. In terms of technology, remember that we are only made aware of as much as they want us to be. They’re likely exists all sorts of stuff that we can’t even imagine yet. They may already be tracking us for all we know.

First, the technological infrastructure is nowwhere close to being able to support a single-system access control device. It will be a LONG time before anyone’s ever able to say “Ok, so everyone will use this one device, manufactured by this one company, it will be installed in homes, offices, govt. buildings, airports, etc. etc.” There’s simply far too many impoverished people for this to be implimented all over the place.

Remember that not everyone owns a computer or has used the internet yet - and we expect to install GPS-based tracking devices in their bodies and try to pitch that “it will be more convenient for you”?

Add to that the vast numbers of people that simply don’t vote in this country. If anything is going to get people motivated, it would be the onset of a national human tracking system.

Oh - and about the “they’ll propose it and it’ll just pass” bit, there are a lot of republicans that would never get behind something like this. Despite the “tow the party line” stuff we see, this is too controvercial of an issue for all but the top-most party zealots.

Mike (I assume we’re friends now and I can drop the ‘bme’ bit, if that’s ok by you?), I’m not a religious man but I’m going to be putting aside some time to pray that you’re right.

“Mike” is fine - my name obviously doesn’t have “bme” appended to the front of it and I’ve not got some weird name like “bmemike” or anything else like that :slight_smile:

I’m right beside you hoping what I say is right - but I know there’s a lot of people that would fight for that to be the way of things if some evil force tries to impose some of the concerns above.

I imagine there will be no riots. Everything is done incrimentaly so as not to raise too much ire. National Vacinations, Prohibition of Drugs, IRS, Homeland Security, BATF, etc… There isn’t a single part of your life that isn’t regulated by a law or regulation. There is rarely an activity that you take part of that you aren’t breaking a law. The standard of living is pretty good here in the USA. People don’t want to rock the boat and jeopardize what may be considered the best standard of living in the world. We may not be free, but we live well.:frowning:

I removed my ID capsule that was implanted by the military a few years ago. Paid a homeless guy to insert in him for $50. See if they can find me now. Only Harper knows where I really am.

As for technology being incrimentally introduced, I read an article about eye scans being required to pick up your kids at school in the Boston area. Google it I am sure you can find it. This will soon be found to be discriminating to those parents that have no eyes, and to resolve the issue they will require the more inclusive option of an under the skin implant that can be scanned in order to pick up your kids. Just a matter of time and a few ACLU lawsuits away.

Ouch. A neighboring township of ours.

Eye Scan Technology Comes to Schools

No Joke is it? What if you refuse? Can you still pick up your kids? Makes Home Schooling look better and better.

Of course they sell you on the idea by saying it protects the kids. It is really about control. We slowly but surely are giving more and more control of our lives over to the powers that be. Maybe I should run for office, I like power.

What is “a lot”…? There has been so much the government has already put over on us with little more than a murmur from the general population. It seems the general American population is fat, lazy, apathetic and driven mostly by consumerism and fear (i.e. easily manipulated). I think you’ve got some rosy-colored glasses on, Good Sir…

That being said, the current government (not just “the administration” but “our representatives” as well) seems largely unaffected by the voice of the people. We can shout all we like but what good will that do? The only “voice” in this country is given to those with lots of money. I’m sure if the “chipping industry” poured enough money into congress, they could pass any such bill they saw fit to further their cause.

Maybe we could tatoo a barcode of our Social Security Number on our foreheads. That would do almost the same as an implant. :roll_eyes:

Tatoos are pretty popular. Maybe it could be a fashion statement. What happens when you get a face lift?

Since someone brought up the topic of bar codes, I will throw something out there that will creep some of you out, and will be a joke to others. On almost every bar code, there are 3 bars that are used as guard bars. The guard bars are designed to tell the reader where one part of the code starts and ends. On most bar codes, the number value is 6. Three sixes on almost every bar code. For anyone unknowing, the number 666 is said to be the number of the beast, or man’s number. It sounds crazy, but check it out for yourself.

I believe this chip may be the mark of the beast that the book of Revelation spoke of. A lot of it seems to add up.

It’s already done. Got a credit card? Details of every interaction are sold. Same for checks, debit cards, bank account info, supermarket club cards, mortgage details, etc. No need for gps, you walk past rfid scans anytime you enter most retail establishments. Did you hear the news about rfid in credit cards? Cell phones, too.
The government stands in line just like everyone else and buys up the processed information when the private sector has it ready. No need to reinvent an already established and efficient system.
Now, the interesting question is: Do you prefer the US government’s intentions, or Pepsi’s, Walmart’s, GM’s, etc.?