Hello every body!
post a video that is amazing. I will start.
this vid is amazing
Hello every body!
post a video that is amazing. I will start.
this vid is amazing
I know, that is amazing. I want to try, but my parents won’t let me buy any speed stacking cups. They think it’s time wasting, or something. The official site is www.speedstacks.com.
Oh, and jsut to let ya know, Emily Fox (the one in the vid) is a unicyclist.
Why is it that only Children seem to do this, I mean besides the obvious that its stupid.
The whole sport seems like a con to me, their official rules say little to nothing about the cups themselfs. All that is said is that the cups must be approved by the WCSA yet that is not defined anywhere. It seems to me that its more an advertising attempt to legidimate the speed stacks company. Who wants to guess that the founders of the WCSA are the same people who work for of Speed Stacks. Oh wait they are.
I dont get it…
Look at this Checkers, it should help:
That page talks about the benefits of it, the rules, and other stuff.
This was discussed not too long ago on the rec.juggling newsgroup here.
Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ
All I know is that at the rubiks cube world championships, we used “stackmat” cup stacking timer mats to time speed solving. they worked quite well.
I found a video of a guy that solved a rubik’s cube in about 25 seconds and when you see the video youll beleive that its not a fake. Click My Video
Yea but dont you think its funny that all the information and people related to the sport go though 1 guy? Even with Unicycling there are Dozens of companies making parts for us.
Their site seems nothing more than an attept to get gym teachers to get kids to play with them in school so tax dollars get wasted on shitty toys that arnt any better than a good old kick ball. Oh they get to use both hands to do it. Like there are no other things out there that you dont use both hands to do. (Dribbling a ball comes to mind) And what are these kids going to do after playing with these new toys in gym class, maybe ask their parents to buy them a set?? Sounds like a profitably venture for some “SPEED CUPS” $18 for a set of 12 cups?!? I’ll go put some holes in the beer cups lieing arround myplace I’ll make a fortune selling they for stacking I could charge $18 for cups too. Personally I wouldnt get them unless they are made from Kriptonite.
I’ll give the guy credit though prostituting his own kids out to make a buck. That takes skill.
I’ve seen a guy solve a rubiks cube in 15 seconds. I saw quite a few people solve sub 25. Im pretty sure that ross who posts here can solve sub 25 seconds.
You don’t sound very impressed by the speed stacking cup video Checkernuts. Why don’t you video yourself doing the same thing in less than 8 seconds with your holey beer cups, and impress us with your amazing adroitness, to show how unskillful the young girl is compared to you. So what if trick cups are more expensive than drinking cups? You can juggle with tennis balls or fruit, but have you seen how expensive decent juggling props are? Where there is a demand, people will often supply something at a higher cost than it might be worth. Welcome to the materialistic world.
Re: amazing things
I am amazed by the Japanese freestyle videos. The sound and picture quality is a bit crappy because they have a low bitrate, but the riders are extremely talented. The avi videos down the bottom of the page have the best bitrate but are more trouble to get to work since you have to rename them.
Hey all i decided to dig up my old rubik’s cube when i saw the vid and i mixed it all up and looked at this one siteSpeedcubing
and used the second method to solve my rubiks cube in 79 moves and less than 5 minutes i tried again and was abale to reduce my time to about 3 minutes(wasnt counting moves that time) and just right now did it again in a little less time. After you get all the coding right and are able to think oh i know how to move that there its not too hard and once youve gotone face solved its basically an easy pattern. Im planning on modding this old cube to make it a speed cube with lubed smooth edges and nice spinny sides.
I found a guy that can beat Super Mario Brothers 3 in 10 minutes! Here!
Note:in my above post the times were edited for reading and stp purposes so it might have been a little off but the first one it very accurate.
It’s a fake.
It’s not a fake, it’s in the Guiness Book of World Records. That video was taken during some video game championship thing.
Oh, and I have a video of myself solving the cube in 20.44 seconds. You can see it here: