Most cats have hair and on any given day some of it comes out.
Dogs sweat through their tongues but like all other mammals pass gas through their butts.
The average rat will eat anything including other rats.
Giraffes have the longest necks in the animal kingdom except possibly for that nosy lady who lives two houses over.
Cockroaches don’t care that you find them revolting. They just wish you wouldn’t step on them.
Female birds can carry more than twice their weight. This is a good thing because in many species the male bird stands on them while they’re mating.
It is pointless to tell your pet snake to chew its food.
Mr Ed couldn’t really talk.
Despite being blind no bat has ever filed an Americans with Disabilities Act complaint.
In 1985 Marjorie, an African elephant housed at the San Diego zoo, was told to come inside after she was done eating. She did not. She had apparently forgotten receiving the instruction.
Most people don’t know why the sperm whale is called the sperm whale and are too embarrassed to ask.
Despite spending seemingly endless hours motionless and staring into space animals do not waste time. That is the sole domain of humans, a fact I have just amply demonstrated.
The Sperm whale is called the ‘Sperm’ whale, because it has a layer of oily covering on its head, which allows it to dive down deep to get food. (The sperm whale is also the whale that can dive the deepest) The oily layer will expand when it goes deeper allowing it to handle the conditions of the water, and hold its breath for that little extra length. Interesting how this came about becaseu i just learned that today in oceanography.
I dont really know why they picked the word ‘sperm’. But, thats the reason the bok and my teacher gave and im just in that class to learn. Its a field i want to go into. I want to be a deep sea explorer. So…maybe ill find that out.
Okay i just looked up a few things in the dictionary…
Main Entry: sperm
Pronunciation: 'sp&rm
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural sperm or sperms
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French esperme, from Late Latin spermat-, sperma, from Greek, literally, seed, from speirein to sow; probably akin to Armenian p’aratem I dispense
Date: 14th century
1 a : SEMEN b : a male gamete
2 : a product (as spermaceti or oil) of the sperm whale
Main Entry: sperm whale
Pronunciation: 'sp&rm-
Function: noun
Etymology: short for spermaceti whale
Date: 1834
: a large toothed whale (Physeter macrocephalus syn. P. catodon) with a large closed cavity in the head containing a fluid mixture of spermaceti and oil
Main Entry: sperm oil
Function: noun
Date: 1839
: a pale yellow oil from the sperm whale
Spermaceti is the name of the oil produced by the sperm whales head. I dont know where it is contained. Sperm whales i THINK have melons, but im not sure on that. And the melon is a ‘growth’ or a lump on the dolphin or whales forehead. And in the dolphin the melon is used for producing really quick fast chirps and clicks used for echolocation, which elps them find there way around the ocean. Its really interesting.
A somewhat cool fact is all dolphins are whales, but all whales arent dolphins. Which i guess is pretty explanatory. But i find it interesting how dolphins are whales.
Well, that would sort of depend on what you referred to as whales, wouldn’t it? Dolphins are obviously a different family, but share an order with whales (Cetacea). Dolphins are porpoises (although not true porpoises) that are closely related to orcas, yadda yadda. Just wondering what the ‘all dolphins are whales’ are based on. Seems like a similar argument is ‘all butterflys are moths since they all are part of Lepidoptera’
All dolphins are whales because they derive from the same family. Dolphins are considered a ‘toothed whale’. And the other whales are baleen whales. Dolphons and purpoises(i dont know how to spell that) are not the same. They are similar. The diffrence is the nose, the dolphins nose is longer.