Amateur Paparazzi

While riding I notice people in cars ride by with camcorders running or cell phones protruding from the windows.
All of this in spite of the fact that I ride early in the morning and evening while there is less than ideal light to take pictures.

I wonder if any of you have the similar experiences.

I was out one Saturday morning last summer on a 30-miler. Near the end of my ride a carload of college students passed me by hanging out the windows cheering me on. The driver turned the car around for another pass while the passengers were taking photos/vids with their camera phones. It’s tough being among the poor and unfamous but sometimes it’s fun.

I had someone from a news crew next to my school (Channel 8 news here) see me riding around on some stairs and the camera man pretended to film me. does that count? oh he also said “I wish they let me chose the stories because you would totally be one.”

I thought riding really early would make a difference with this too… but it doesn’t. Last week I was especially a little annoyed while riding on a narrow road. A vehicle kept following closely behind though I gave it plenty of room. I figured the driver was too nervous to pass so I grabbed a pole for a break and waved the car on. A woman driver calls out from the window… “oh, no dear. That’s ok we just want to watch.” It was then that I noticed the digital camera her husband was holding. I went a few more yards then stopped completely… faking that something was wrong with my shoe. :wink:

There really is nothing spectacular about my riding. Who would possibly want pictures? :thinking:

it kinda sucks. people stand on the pier w/ video cameras and video while I skimboard sometimes

I get some of that on my uni, but its not all that much. Its not enough to make me bothered about it.

I disagree, most people have never seen a unicycle in real life, let alone out on the street or trail, someone riding one deff. counts as a spectacle in my book.