Alternative one wheeled sports

You never know, it could take off:

(some of the videos are actually pretty good)

Danny Colyer (remove safety to reply) ( )
Recumbent cycle page:
“A custom loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain,
dangerous to the lungs and in the black, stinking fume thereof nearest
resembling the horrible Stygian smoke of the pit that is bottomless” - James
I/VI on tobacco

Erm whats all that about then?
Seems far to simple though! and i wudnt be seen pushing a wheel barrow around the streets!

“Welcome to
only in the UK”

Yes only in the Uk!, doesnt suprise me the slightest!

Ah well that made me smile :slight_smile:
Thnx Danny

Re: Alternative one wheeled sports

Let me guess: this sport never leaves the country and doesn’t become as big
as the massive sport of mountain unicycling (at its 1996 level).


“Danny Colyer” <> wrote in message
> You never know, it could take off:
> (some of the videos are actually pretty good)

I wonder if downhill or mountian wheelbarrowing will make it big? Do they make an off-road wheelbarrow tire?


There was an advertisment on TV here not that long ago (Can’t remember what they were trying to sell) that had some wheelbarrow freestyle it.

I think there is potential for some pretty cool tricks on a wheelbarrow.

That wheelbarrow site insults my inteligence. plus, i am not a hick, farmer, or a redneck. which would also insult my inteligence.




Ok ive heard tons of people say, " Unicycling is the most worthless form or transpotation." Now this wheelbarrow stuff comes around. That isnt even transportation. My opinion is that that is BY FAR worse in every way compared to unicycling. I mean come on, you have to push it! Doesnt that at all constitute complete stupidity? How many people have seen a wheelbarrow freestyler at a parade? Only in the UK, thats where it needs to stay!
my two cents worth

Re: OK

My vote for the most worthless form of transportation goes to the paddle boat, the kind you’d find in a small campground lake.

Re: OK

What if you put someone in the barrow while your pushing it though… or even better a cat or monkey. Now that would be quality entertainment way better than current freestyle unicycling.

Re: Alternative one wheeled sports

Checkernuts Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: Alternative one wheeled sports

> Scott Stephens wrote:
> > *Ok ive heard tons of people say, " Unicycling is the most worthless
> > form or transpotation." Now this wheelbarrow stuff comes around. That
> > isnt even transportation. My opinion is that that is BY FAR worse in
> > every way compared to unicycling. I mean come on, you have to push it!
> > Doesnt that at all constitute complete stupidity? How many people have
> > seen a wheelbarrow freestyler at a parade? Only in the UK, thats where
> > it needs to stay!
> > my two cents worth
> > scott *
> What if you put someone in the barrow while your pushing it though… or
> even better a cat or monkey. Now that would be quality entertainment way
> better than current freestyle unicycling.

A couple of weeks ago I saw on a NBC sports program, guys
on unicycles pushing and bouncing wheelbarrows. One guy
got it to bouncing so high he pushed it over a fence and then
went over it on his unicycle after it. I don’t know what program
it was, I was surfing the channels and came across it.


Re: Alternative one wheeled sports

> There was an advertisment on TV here not that long ago (Can’t remember
> what they were trying to sell) that had some wheelbarrow freestyle it.

The New Zealand advert was for beer (Export Gold, mate). It was made
with the help of the two guys behind

> I think there is potential for some pretty cool tricks on a wheelbarrow.

Yes, I reckon wheelwalking a barrow would be really cool.

Tommy Miller of the Unicycle Factory once made a giraffe unicycle out
of a wheelbarrow. Twas apparently quite a challenge to ride.

Tony Melton

Re: Alternative one wheeled sports

> I mean come on, you have to push it! Doesnt
> that at all constitute complete stupidity?

You could stand in it, tip it up, and bunny hop.
Sadly you’d still need a backpack to carry stuff
rather putting it in the barrow.

To mis-quote Homer “Wheelbarrows: Is there
anything they can’t do?”.

Pelease dont let this leave the UK. If it gets to america I may have to kill someone.