Altercation With a Car *pictures*

Leah, sorry to hear about your accident. I rode with you last week. I am Ralph, the new coker rider. I wasn’t sure who you where since I am still trying to learn everybody’s name, but I recognized your sneakers from the picture, so I know who you are now. Get well soon. In the mean time, you can practice your one foot riding now.:wink:

Wow! Like someone said, you just explained my worst fear while riding a 36. Hope this doesn’t discourage you from riding after, but by the sounds of it, it won’t.

Hope you get bette soon the worst thing of the world is having to stop practcing sports because of injuries and broken bones.

Wow, I’ve almost been hit by cars on bikes, but fortunately never on my 36. At least I can stop fast on a bike. Best wishes on recovering, and if the driver was at fault, I hope you get fair compensation.

Imagine what the driver must have thought when he realized he hit someone on a 36" unicycle…

texan drivers, buh. that really stinks, a lot of Austinites on here. Since i don’t know peoples names well enough i am trying to recognize your shoe, i think i know who you are.

Thanks everyone! :slight_smile:

I get my real cast today! And I’m still trying to decide on color…

cyan blue! or… Kh blue lol…

Get the most ugly/weird looking cast you can get.

Yeah, get a blue cast, then take White Out to it, and write KH on it, and then like KH-(length of your leg) that’d be a tight cast, then get kris to sign it.

edit: you broke your 444 posts, leah.

Pink and purple!!!

Glow In The Effing Dark!

Blue’s good.

I went with bright orange. :smiley:

Oh, a blue KH leg would have looked awesome! Still bright orange is cool :smiley: How you fix soon, so you can get out riding again.

did you hit the ground in style?