Alter Egos (fake accounts)

Some of us here have seperate accounts from the normal ones we use, but no one truely knows who the owner of the account is. Such as inigo, and Miss A.

Post with your alter egos eh?
No one will really find out or anything…

for the sake of baiting certain alter egos -
i cn has riding unicycle, and-a, i’m-a going to talk like-a dis fo nw

Any others? minus myself, and them.

I’m harper’s alter-ego. Don’t tell anyone.

For Pete’s sake, don’t tell me.

I’m Pete, don’t tell Matt.

Yeh but I’m matt, don’t tell Mary though.

I know. :wink:

I am Spencer Hochberg’s alter ego.

Godby… classic.

haha thats good! but was this forum around in 1969!?!

yay, your account rocks lol.


mmh his postcounter is on 666 and he just posted 8 times… god knows who that guy is. Maybe he is GILBY!!! :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

Hint, those last two posts above Smilymarco belong to the same person. If it wasn’t already made obvious.

yea, all you do is put on a monkey suit to make videos in a different style than you usually ride.

My real identity is John McBush

I am not banana kitten… :wink:

I know but you snuck in a post before me, I corrected it before you said anything!

im too slow :smiley:

I’m really tired…

Go to bed and sleep.

(diechickenman51 = unibikeling/banana kitten)

diechickenman51: wow, that banana kitten sure is causing some forum uproar, a little bit
Mylument Rammel: yeah, I wonder who it could be (you)
diechickenman51: lol…
diechickenman51: shush
Mylument Rammel: I already exposed you
diechickenman51: i had a prior plan with the account, but ditched it
diechickenman51: i know…
diechickenman51: but eh, who cares
diechickenman51: im just gonna do ti again in a week