Alright, I'm sick of it now.

Anyone care to give me instructions on changing my forum view back to english?

I don’t know how it got this way, but I’m sick it.

There’s a language chooser right at the bottom of the main forum menu if that’s any help.

Go to the bottom of this page and select the language thingy and change your language.
Its the second selection thing BTW.

User CP - Edit Options ?

user CP
then on the 3rd box down in the left column is user options, scroll to the bottom of that page, and the 3rd box up is the language.

Either that or ask gilby! He can most probably do it.

if you scroll to the bottom of the page there are on the left side two white things and by the right one you can change the language :slight_smile:

Lol, awesome, I changed the language to dutch, there’s now aparrently 20 something Lezers in RSU.