I was cleaning up scrap wood in the backyard when I felt a “tickle” in my right ear. So I went to scratch it and this little fellow dropped out! Nice set of fangs on this guy, (a little over 2mm each!) but I didn’t get bitten-at least I didn’t feel anything. I think this is your basic garden variety spider, so I just dropped him back in the weeds!
I just hope it wasn’t a brown recluse! I understand that you don’t usually even fell its bite, but the results can be devastating!
The only way I’d clear wood in the backyard would be with a flamethrower.
Or with one of those chainmail suits they use to swim with sharks.
Or maybe one of those exoskeleton robot things that Ripley uses to kick the queen alien’s ass.
Well, I took it as it was trying to get off the stick and jump or run away. I was holding the camera with one hand and holding the stick with the other. I had to rush the shot as it kept going toward each end of the stick trying to get away. But really bad? I think that’s a tad overstated, lol!
I’d say the one below would fit the definition of “really bad”.
Sweet spider though. Those are the ones I hate the most. All clear and vinyl/bamboo-ish looking. My worst time was when a spider, a big one, back when our house had a lot of hobo spiders, was on my hair and I didnt know, then next thing I feel is a small tingle on my forehead. I just thought it was a piece of hair, but then I felt a few more, and next thing I know there is a spider sitting right above my nose.
Me getting it off had to of been hilarious if someone had been there to watch.
It’s hard to tell what species it is, but it looks all wrong for a brown recluse. I saw a docu on the lives of a few people that had been bitten. Basically, their lives sucked. Necrosis from the bite and a horrible rash every year after. Also, they were then massively scared of getting bitten again and nearly hermetically sealed their houses.
It might be kind of obvious, but if your flesh starts dying, go see your Dr.
Once I was driving and one dropped down on a thread from the sun visor.
I read how there are so many cases each year in Australia where they find cars on the side of the road which have crashed for no apparent reason.
They put the cause down to spider surprises.
Which I can completely understand.
When Mr Spider dropped down two inches from my eyes, all thoughts of steering, braking and road safety went out the window (which incidentaly is what happened to Mr Spider once I managed to get the window open and swat him with a cheese sandwich).
I love not having scary poisonous things in the UK!
I can’t imagine living in a country where I actually need to check my shoes for spiders and scorpions and whatnot. Or worry about meeting a bear or wolf in the woods! :S