So… today I was standing on the sidewalk waiting for the bus, and this bike came up from behind me just as I moved to the side and almost hit me. Like, he was coming too fast, and could have caused an accident. Then IO ranted for a few minutes about how he should have a ticket for riding on the sidewalk, when bicycles should drive on the road. Then I realized, I ride my uni on the sidewalk all the time, so I sorta have double standards. Does anyone else have these double standards?
I have octupole standards. Why limit yourself?
Well the thing is, it’s harder to go dangerously fast on a unicycle. On a bike you can get going fast enough to hurt yourself and/or others. hurting yourself is no big deal, do it all you want, but hurting others might be bad.
When I’m riding I sometimes use the side walk. If its a small side walk and someone is coming up I move to the street or I dismount. In all actuallity I think its okay to ride on the sidewalk because a bike is fast and some people dont keep there bikes in propper order and there brakes dont work or well enough. On unicycles its not so you can stop and navigate easilly. What size wheel was it? If it was a 20 or 24 dont worry about it at all. Bikes have no business to be on the side walk when someone else was on it.
lol… thanks!
My sad and pathedic after thought plan:
I should have not jumped out of the way, got hit… and hurt minorly, but not too bad that I couldnt hold him down (lol…cause I of course would have quickly called the police). Then the police would ticket him, and fill out a police report. then I culd get a copy of the police report (because I know from my advid judge judy watching that a police report is almost close to necessairy if you want to get anywhere in court) and bring it to judge judy. oh, along with pictures of brusing, and get a hospitol report to say that I had these minor injurys. then sue! Because, well, I’m poor and money would be nice!
But, that was an after thought unfortunatly.
Just joking mostly… but a part of me thinks it would have been a good idea
Sue if he was riding a Cannondale
(otherwise dont bother … he’s broke)
I think about that when I walk down the street. I’m like wow it would be great if some rich guy hit me right now. I could get some money! Catboy and I were talking about it about a month ago it was quite funny.
If the guy was going too fast then he was likely breaking the law even if it’s OK to ride a bike on the sidewalk there.
You can ride a bike or a unicycle on the sidewalk in Seattle but you cannot be unsafe or go too fast. Here’s the local law for Seattle:
So there is no double standard in wanting the bike rider to get a ticket for his riding on the sidewalk just as long as the ticket is for going too fast.
In Nova Scotia, there is no speed law, all cyclists (including Unicyclists) have to drive witht eh cars on the roads, unless they are little kids. However, bikers do drive on the sidewalk all the time, and dont usually get ticketed. So it is illegal, but the RCMP rarely do anything about it
We get that alot down in the south westren end here.
Where there are not alot of side walks outside of town, people ride with the cars alot. On alot of roads there is not much of a dirt curb, so it is a very common sight.
Out in the country riding on the road is not a problem, most of the cars can avoid you becuase there often times is not alot of traffic on the roads.
When you hit town it becomes a whole different story.
Most people who Bike are smart to stay on the sidewalks. With how thick traffic is in town, chances increase that you may get hit.
At the sametime, with the amount of poeple walking on the sidewalks, its not uncommon to see Bikers and those people who are walking come in contact with each other.
My personal rule, I stick to the side streets in town where no one travels much, you get the use of both the sidewalk and the road when nessary. People still do not watch much, but it is better to have that much more room between the car and yourself.
When I need to actually go down town, lock the bike up and start walking.
One of the worst places is the road that goes past the two malls where I live. Two highways empty out on this road, which is two lanes with a central one for turing that everyone uses as a third lane.
Alot of traffic gets dumped out here. Due to that if you want to cross the road alot of the time you end up waiting 10 minutes for a break in the traffic. Some people dart across the road, normally they get caught in the central turning lane becuase a car darts out that they did not see.
Normally no Bikers travel on this road if they are smart.
The police in my area as with the rest of Nova Scotia really do not have a problem with people traveling on the road or sidewalk. They are watchful concerning helmets, however. If you don’ t have one they will stop you alot of the time.
Alot of the time if we get people visitng from the states, this is what they will get caught on.
Re: Almost got hit by a biker
I hear volley ball players have double standards.
Mounted Police? I thought horses were faster than bikes.
For fast bike riding, ride with traffic, take the lane if the shoulder is not wide enough. Slow bike or uni, ride where it makes sense.
I wonder if he’s registered here …
… hmmm … ‘UniPatrol’ would be a kewl name …
haha nah he’s not a member as far as I know if you do a search for like “police on coker” you might find the thread I got that picture from. I think it was he saw a member riding and he used to so he wanted to try and there you go.
my moms a cop! I should get her 2 ride a uni while she works! Totally awesome!!!
Would the Canada legal system actually side with you? I would hope not, but I could see that here in the US.
Re: Re: Almost got hit by a biker
lol, they probably are! BUT, they dont actually ride horses everyday anymore. At least here. Only for special services and the parade thing that they do.
Hmm Hmm you don’t know your bikes do you?
Merlin Cielo- $7,220
Wow! That’s alot to pay for a bicycle with no pedals.
Shouldn’t that be cowsrudderlysexy?