Im not voting.
Am I the only one who got this?
In the current situation I think that a protest vote would actually be quite meaningful.
Any reason why?
You’re totally cool with letting the country turn into an ideological wasteland?
There is no meaning to a non-vote. It doesn’t count towards anything.
A meaningful protest vote would be for a third-party or write-in candidate.
Its not really a protest, I just dont care.
Yeah, im pretty fine with that. So far, the last 8 years havent affected me at all. No change in my life, nothing has become harder. And the next few years so far are looking to be the same for me.
Until there is a noticeable effect on my life from the choice of presidents, I wont be voting.Here it comes. lol
i ton of people didn’t vote last election and now the majority of the us hate the fact bush got reelected. i say, if you don’t vote, don’t complain cause you only have yourself to blame.
I wont be complaining. Never have with Bush either.
exactly. i mean if people really don’t care at all then what’s the point. i just criticize the people that do care but are too lazy to do anything about it.
Think Madison will vote?
i dunno. he registered. we were on the max to go ride and a guy was registering people and he filled out some stuff.
…that’s what I meant by protest vote.
Another bone to pick with you, as you surely know, while in freefall with no friction your downward acceleration and gravity cancel out, so you don’t experience acceleration. By no means was I arguing that you were not accelerating in relation to the earth .
Jer, not to sound rude or anything, but isn’t it a little selfish to not vote just because it won’t make a difference in your life?
There are lots of people who need healthcare, better living conditions, want the freedom to be married, want to come home safely from war, want their children to come home safe, want better education, etc.
Voting dosn’t take long at all. You’re doing a huge favor for your fellow country-peeps by voting. Whichever candidate you think would be best suited to helop our country and the world should have your vote.
Yup, me too. Some friends and I had a little too much liquid refreshment in the afternoon, then trundled into our local post office. “Hey, is this where we sign up for the next war?”. The post-mistress was not amused.
Yeah, its pretty selfish in a way. The people who do want things changed, they will vote, also selfish if you think about it, cause how many people want their vote to change the country, or to change for the better of their own life? Its kinda split there, but easily goes from one side to the other.
All that can be solved by writing in Harry Potter or that kid from Home Alone.
Personally, I’d vote for the Terminator.
Unless, of course, he were somehow actually running.