All of you suckas 18 and over...

…If you’re not registered to vote, do so. NOW!

If I was 18 I would be voting for the people you don’t want to me to vote for:) .

Well, i’m voting 2morrow for a mayor of my district. So yeah. :smiley:

i just wish that i didnt think all the canidetes were shumks

Stick your Amerikan assumptions up your bum. Go and do so now.

You’re like those websites that you browse for goods only to find in the end that they only ship to mainland USA and Canada, even though they don’t mention it anywhere else on the site except the FAQ page, delivery column. Waste of time.

It is already scary that you have to register for voting.

Are you 18+? Yes
Are you American? Yes

Isn’t that enough for your administration to see that you are eligible for voting?

I wish I liked one of the two main canidates.:frowning:
I guess I’ll be voting for Macain. I have a feeling I won’t ever like one of the major candites.:frowning:

I actually like one of the:


There, I feel better now. :slight_smile:

The registration is supposed to help ensure that nobody votes twice.

Unfortunately, it seems to do nothing to prevent dead people from “voting,” or, with the advent of very poorly implemented electronic voting, to prevent vote totals being skewed programmatically.

Interesting. Sill confusing. Nobody can vote twice here in Germany, although we do not need to register.
We are registered automatically, based on our address. Only if we want to vote somewhere else, we have to take action upfront.

As I understand it, the voter registration process is the hundred-year residue of previous voting restrictions and intimidation tactics that included poll taxes and literacy tests, tools synonymous with the Jim Crow Laws. Also registration ensures that felons aren’t able to vote.

Edit: I’ve heard that a person can claim German citizenship from anywhere in the world if they can prove 1/16 of their ancestry is German-- any truth there?

To be honest: I have no idea. I would possibly know, if I was going to claim German citizenship from somewhere in the world and I could prove 1/16 of my ancestry was German :smiley: :roll_eyes:

you don’t have to vote for one of the two major candidates, it sounds like you should do a little more research, i’m probably voting for Ron Paul

Wasted vote.

I’m registered, but I need an absentee ballot.

Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.

I’ve always felt that B.O.L. was the idea candidate.

Don’t forget to register for Selective Service too.

It’s Not like anyone is going to bring back the draft…

Just like the lame gravity joke:
It’s quick, easy…and it’s the law.

I registered when I turned 18, they had just started requiring it.
It was a cold war and there were no assurances that a draft would not happen. Kind scary…I debated it for months and then just went and did it.

Seems very unlikly these days with a strong volunteer system in place.

My cohort was the first year registering was required. My mother insisted I get a passport at the same time.

Pick a winner!

Ralph Wiggum for president!

If your system is anything like our system it is not a wasted vote at all. even if someone doesn’t get into power if they have votes people will take their ideas more seriously and possibly implement some of them (pretending that they are their own ideas)

You don’t necessarily need to vote for what you consider the lesser of two evils, just vote for who you want.

I am looking forward to our own coming federal election. I think it is time the Greens finally get at least one seat. I am sure it won’t happen in whatever riding I am registered in but overall vote percentages count as well as number of seats.