All About Hangovers

Here’s a website I suspect at least a few here will find interesting:

All About Hangovers
Before you “experience the self-induced pain of a hangover,”
examine the causes, symptoms, preventions, and cures
presented on this site. Hangover Links raises common
questions on drinking and provides helpful answers to
eliminate the plight of the “pink elephant” syndrome.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

thanx,i got one right now.

Strangely I have never had a hangover. However, right now I am having difficulty typing due to slight inebriation. This post is taking me ages t o type…

If any of my posts on the other forum look a bit random, just say “tch”, think less of me, and ignore the,m…

Phil, just me, mostly

You’re still young, give it time. I used to be the same as you and wondered what everyone was whingeing about, then one morning after the night before I caught up big time!

I now hardly ever drink enough to give me a hangover as I’ve discovered you don’t need to get totally rat arsed to enjoy yourself on a night out - hmmm, I sound a right boring old fart:( No I’m interesting really, honest;)

Have fun!


that obviously explains the hillarious footer on your posts?

i’m of the ‘glass of water with every drink’ school of thought
and of not mixing my drinks too badly
i happily entertained myself with nothing but a bottle of my beloved Cuervo Especial and lots of water on new years eve
i finished it shortly after midnight and then felt so strong that i thought i could take on a bottle of grapefruit schnappes that was doing the rounds
i couldn’t

All About Hangovers

Like Phil, I’ve also never had a hangover, despite consumption of mass quantities of hangover fuel.

I don’t know how old you are, Graeme, but I’m a bit past the quarter-century mark, and getting closer to the half-century post every day, so, “youth” doesn’t necessarily enter into it. It’s more a matter of one’s body’s ability to metabolize alcochol.

Until a few/several years ago, I considered this “phenomenon” a blessing.

Now, after several… well, OK!.. numerous embarrassing events, I now believe the absence of a hangover experience to be more of a liability.

A hangover is sort of like that speeding ticket you got. It’s a reminder not to go so fast next time. Those of us who slip past the radar gun, so to speak, who never have to “pay the piper” (Oh, stop! Cliche’ me no more!) … (ahem!) … well, we just don’t get the same warning/reminder as the rest of you sorry hungover slobs!

So, thank your hangover!

It may just save your liver.

Re: All About Hangovers

I’m coming up to the third-century mark (i.e. 0.33 centuries, not my third hundred years, although it feels that way at times), so youth may play a apart in it. Then again it may be that I’m just a total lightweight when it comes to drinking. At the time most of my friends were developing their drinking skills (university) I lived way out of the centre of town and either had to get the last bus home at about 10:30 which left little time for drinking, or later on when I got a car I drove in, which meant no drinking at all.

I did once decide to take my bike in instead, I still didn’t drink much but cycling home at 5am I fell asleep and woke up on the other side of the road still on my bike (only just though).

The way I stop drinking for a year or two every so often probably means my body “forgets” how to metabolise the stuff anyway:(

Have fun!


I find Gatorade helps, better before sleeping but also after. It helps put back all the electrolytes that wash out with the beer.


Oh, yeah, and I usually mix up a coctail the next day with equal parts dispair and self-pity. It doesn’t help but there’s a certain satisfaction in it.


Looking for some “hangover helper”???
It’s called ‘Dramamine’ (motion sickness pills) and it works wonders!!!
Think about it, motion sickness and hangovers have the same symptons: nausea, upset stomach. dizziness, vomiting, etc.
Motion sickness pills WILL kick that hangover’s butt!!!
Try it, you’ll like it! hehehe