
Anyone else here looking forward to the director’s cut of Alien coming out next week?

As I stated in another thread, Aliens is one of my all time favorite movies. The original Alien is right up there.

Alien was the last movie I saw with my brother who soon after it’s release disappeared for about 10 years. Families, you know. He has long since returned.

This movie scared the crap out of me and I remember it as being the most tension filled cinematic experience of my life. At the time of its release in 1979 I was not that familiar with Sigorney Weaver but I was a big fan of both Yaphet Kotto and Harry Dean Stanton both of whose characters represent the blue collar side of labor relations. We saw it at one of the huge Times Square theaters back when Times Square had not been sanitized.

What a great movie. I only wish I could experience it anew.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

i wonder if it will have any extra footage in it?i didnt see any in the is a great movie but the actors would have gotten nowhere without the art work of H.R.Giger

I agree that the artwork contributed a lot to the film.

I have to believe that there will be additional scenes. A version of Aliens was released at some point recently that had additional scenes, for example, of the colonists before they were wiped out by the aliens.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

I’m probably going to see the directors cut on 31st. I don’t think there will be many people…(lets hope I get the best seat!)

ps: wouldn’t it be cool to have an Alien Vs Predator movie! In the second predator (the one without the governer of California) we can see an queen alien skull in the predator’s trophy room.

They will. There were actually several different takes on the classic scene where the alien pops out of the dude’s chest. It took them a while to decide on that…first it popped out of his ear, then his eye, then a more obvious orifice. It was determined that chest had the best combination of scariness and gross-out factor.

Lying like a rug,


in fact, your wish has been granted. there will be an alien vs predator movie.

much speculation as to the premise and plot, but it will be a worthy movie indeed…

heres an interesting Giger sculpture.


According to a (highly authoritative) programme on telly at the mo, the scene in Alien where the chap is in the tunnels trying to run away from the alien without knowing where it is is the 4th scariest scene in any film or telly programme.

Also, that sentence above is very probably one of the most awfully worded sentences in the history of the universe.


Well, I went and saw Alien last night.

It was very nice to see the movie again on the big screen, but must say that the extra scenes did not add much. If you haven’t seen the sequels you gain a little insight, but once having seen the second one, Aliens, nothing is gained.

If you’re curious or a big fan of the movie, then go see it. Otherwise it’s a bit anticlimactic.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

i saw one of those extra’s on the TV last night,it was just some guy wrapped up in goo asking Riply to kill him.

just be glad this film wasnt made by Lucas or we may now have a more “PC” reason the aliens wanted to kill humans,because nothing can just be that angry without provocation.i mean after all Greedo shot first, “we just didnt have the technical means to show it that way back then” BS.

Just a guess here, Jag, but you’re an Ann Coulter fan, aren’t you?

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Yup, I saw Alien last Friday and It was nice to see it on the big screen the added scenes did not actually add anything to the movie but it explains why the peoples body’s weren’t found and shows us that the alien, being the only one in his colony is gathering hosts to “feed” it’s eggs once it becomes a Queen.

i dont know what you mean by that and i dont know who that is anyway so i guess not…

does she have somthing to due with editing movies…?

No, but I’ll let you decide for yourself.

Ann Coulter.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

i still fail to see the connection to my comment about changing parts of a classic movie for idealistic reasons.

i surmize that most of Ann’s life is lived on cable TV shows which i dont have. she looks like just another bleach blonde to me…

She hates liberals and has devoted her professional career expressing this view. Your comment and others you’ve made has made your own disdain for liberals clear and I was merely attempting a bit of humor here. I intended, but clearly failed, for my comment to be a bit of friendly ribbing.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

i figured that part out,but unless George Lucus is a liberal i still have no idea what any political orientation has to due with movie directors changing scenes??

I agree. I saw it Friday night. It was great to see it on the big screen again but once you know what is going to happen the suspense just isn’t there.

I don’t know if it was the editing of some of the scenes but I found it seemed faster paced. The “kill me” scene did break up the intensity of the last 17 minutes.

Still enjoyed it.

Have you seen these?

I love these sorts of things. Much like Bobble Head World. Fortunately, or not, I can’t really justify spending money on this crap. Otherwise I get the Ann Coulter action figure for a voodoo doll.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ