This is emotional abuse pure and simple. I always knew this guy was a jerk, but now it’s official:
Wow, how ever did you find that?
I was only the 10th person to view it, did you go to the most recently uploaded?
i saw that last night.
he does have a good point though, i mean he does all that to call his daughter and she doesnt even have her phone on.
still it was pretty harsh, but still a lot better than physical child abuse which is very common.
That wasn’t very nice.
How’d they get a hold of that message I wonder?
Oh, it says at the end…
i read the as zach ,and i was like :o but i read it again and I though What a FAG
There was a time, a long long time ago, when CNN Headline News did actual news stories. It’s not even worth watching CNN any more if you want actual news. It’s not even worth looking at the CNN web page if you want actual news.
What a jerk.
Yeah what he did was very wrong, but you have to take into consideration a lot of other things… You can’t just take what one person said at one point of time and have it be totally correct without knowing what happened around the time they did it and other things… For example (Yes an example this didn’t happen and I am aware of that…) He could have just been in a car wreck and needed his daughter to answer her phone… I also believe the end of the day it is you actions that matter the most I am sure there are many parents that are actually worse (I know some) to their kid with screaming at them and all of that…
Well at least his apologized.
I don’t get why people care about this.
Because were tired of hearing about a school shooting.
Haha, well said.
Terry, you don’t know anything about Alec Baldwin except that you don’t like his politics. I don’t like Andy Garcia’s or Ron Silver’s politics, but I have no idea if they’re jerks or not and wouldn’t be so presumptuous as to venture an opinion on the subject.
As for parenting, I have said some things to my daughter that I’m not proud of and certainly wouldn’t want trumpeted to the world. It is my good fortune, I suppose, not to be a celebrity and to have enjoyed a successful marriage, both of which allow us to keep our missteps as parents private where they ought to be.
It is no more in the best interest of Baldwin’s and Bassinger’s child to have the likes of us drooling over this than to have had him say it in the first place.
Haha that’s funny! If you want to get mad about it being aired ALL OVER THE WORLD, then blame the media…left and right! They’re playing this thing like a brokern record. Does that mean that they don’t “like his politics”?
What I think of his politics (“We should KILL henry hide and stone his children!”) has NOTHING to do with this. I don’t care if it was him, or anyone, regardless of their political persuasion; If you treat your eleven year old daughter this way it’s just not right. No wonder so many kids grow up with multiple complexes. And you’re right; we don’t know what’s going on in everyone’s home. I’m sure this happens alot and it’s a shame.
I like Alec Baldwin’s acting and esp. his hilarious appearances on SNL. As a person, I’m not too thrilled, but so what. Do I think he’s the only person to lose his temper and take it out on his kid(s)? Of course not.