Alcoholics (Jugglers) Anonymous

hee hee does anyone else here like spending all their savings on juggling equiptment?

Here’s my little story (this is gonna sound like one of those alchoholics (jugglers) anonoymous things…

Well it all started this summer when i got a summer job at a Maize Maze i worked every other day and spent all day at the maze juggling for people and occasionally doing a few other jobs…oh and got paid £37 a day which was a lot to me. So after making a resolution to save it i have reached the end of the summer and have brought with my ‘savings’, the folowing:

3 Mr Babache Juggling Knives
3 Mr Babache Glow in the dark squish balls
3 Mr Babache silicon squish balls (1 yellow, 1 blue and 1 red, god they’re nice!)
3 DX Powerballs (small size i’m not that strong!)
Charlie Dancey Juggling Encyclopedia
BJC 2006 DVD

Wow it’s like Christmas come early! Mr Babache is gonna love me :stuck_out_tongue:

finally i have stopped and have at the end of it all just about saved £200, (actually better make that £190 now after buying drink last night for party…)

Anyone else out there had a little juggling shopping fest lately…? :slight_smile:

No, but I spent most of the money I’ve earned on my unicycle(got a 24" QU-AX) and unicycle-related gear(safety gear and shoes). I’ve got £180 saved up but I’m probably gonna spend it on a B.C. wheel before christmas. Tough.

I’ve just bought a blue translucent contact juggling ball. Not exactly a spend fest but …


PS There is already a room in my house that i’m gradually filling up with all sorts of juggling and twirling equiptment (especially the kind that lights up) in much the same way as I’m filling the garage up with unicycles.

lucky room! haha sounds like you have a fun house :stuck_out_tongue:

What sort of light up gear do you use Cathy? I am twitching at the moment, trying hard to resist a set of used Aerotech P2s that someone is offering to sell me.
I know I’ll never recover the cost, for I have no intention of performing for money…but…


I spent like 5$ on tennis balls but i never could do more than 3

Based on the title I thought this was a thread for alcoholic jugglers. I use juggling as a sobriety test. If I can’t juggle any more, I stop drinking. It takes surprisingly little alcohol to mess up my juggling so it’s actually a good test.

I recently learned to juggle 4 and can do a whole bunch of 3 ball patterns. I’m constantly buying balls. I often go on road trips and forget to take anything to juggle so I’ll have to buy more. I’ve probably got 30 balls laying around. I keep some at work too. I so badly want some glow in the dark balls. I usually buy hackey sacks to juggle with (usually about $7 or $8 each :angry: ) cuz I like the way they handle and if I drop one it doesn’t roll very far. I bought some real cheap juggle bug clubs and am getting pretty good with those. I think I’m ready to step up to some decent quality clubs.

I’ve spent a good amount of money on props.
don’t really keep track

I would be, if I had money, or at least a credit card…

I don’t really spend that much money on juggling… mostly unicycling. But I have:

3 crappy wal-mart machetes
3 clubs
5 beanbags
6 rings
3 light up beanbag/balls
12 little tiny cheap hackey sack things
about… ten tennis balls, some of them weighted various weights

Well, me and my stepdad combined have:
9 real clubs 3 circus ones
6 rings
about 20 balls.
But once I learn 5 balls really good I am going to get me a set of 5 PX3 Clubs to learn with. There the best in the world.

It’s never too early to buy decent clubs.
I’m in the market for some torches at the moment.

That sounds tempting.

I only use the cheap (well, cheaper) kind that you put watch batteries in - some balls from Beard, I think about 3 sets of different glow poi from ballsulike and a pair of swinging clubs from them too. I used to have a set of Henry’s swinging clubs that you put glow sticks in but I smashed one of them. I love the neon blue colour so most of my stuff is neon blue.

It’s the only good thing about dark winter evenings.


I use both juggling and unicylcing to curb my drinking. After more than a glass of wine I don’t have the co-ordination to do either. I think I’d drink much more without juggling and unicycling.

I’ve been juggling (off and on) for about 12 years and very on for the past 5. I’m not very good cos I lack co-ordination even when sober and it takes me a long time to learn tricks (eg it has taken me about 2 years to get a nice even 8 throws of four ball mills mess). So I’ve had quite a few balls in my time. At the moment I am very fond of Henry’s suede bean bag thingies (I don’t think that thier official name though). I’ve been using them for about a year. They were quite expensive so I’m waiting for the next local juggling convention to try and get another set a bit cheaper (incase I lose them cos I take them everywhere exept work). I have a habit of buying ‘novelty’ balls to juggle with that I think would look great if I performed. However I am never going to be a performance juggler, so I never use my novelty balls. The last set were a set of balls that were like bumble bees with a head and wings etc, covered with soft yellow and black material but at heart a bouncy ball.


I think it should be tho.

About a year ago we helped the Wits Ministry of Jesters (the well-named university of the witwatersrand juggling club) to conduct some drinkin-and-juggling research.
I was a dedicated driver and helped with the score-keeping.
It was fun watching a guy take 14 tequila shots at 10 minute intervals and still qualify 5-balls.
I’m not sure if you can attach an xls-file here?
Let’s see.
No, you can’t, but here’s a link to the results, with graphs.

sig? i think it has merit, even though he is probably being serious.

I once thought juggling 3 empty vodka bottles would be a good sobriety test. The next day I realized how much my judgement had been clouded by alcohol at the time.

So, did the realization come to you when you woke up the next morning and stepped on broken glass?

No, the juggling went fine.
I was not normally that extrovert so the fact that I started juggling at the party was just one indication (among many) that I might not have been as sober as I thought.

hey another slow learner person me too! when i first started out juggling it took me 4 months to be able to just juggle a simple 3 ball cascade, but it was worth it in the end, now that it has taken over my life (and my bank balance!)