Hey if you eide in alaska the 907 AK and want to join the newly organized “alaska freeride club” then email me at bwquimby@adnmail.com. My name is Bryan Quimby and so far we have 15 riders that unicycle and about five that moutain bike. We are opening access to trails in the state parks and we have just recently partnerned with IMBA the International Moutain Biking Club who helps with applying for access to trails and trail grants for trail building. and can hook you up with all kinds of great benifits such as your uni or bike flies free on certain airlines and discounts on Subaru vehicles. so PLEASE EMAIL ME so we can get you on the list. And other riders if you havent allready done so get your clubs to register to IMBA cause its not just moutain bikers who are denied access its also unicyclists. And plus we need to go build some trails. SO GO RIDE (but email me first) bwquimby@adnmail.com