Al Qaeda Endorses John McCain for US President!

Password protected Al Qaeda websites which disseminate the groups propaganda carry this message. 4 more years of a president blind to nuance in the Muslim worldwouild be a boon for Al Qaeda recruiting, and a tragedy for Americans.

John McCain isn’t boasting about a new endorsement, one of the very, very few he has received from overseas. It came a few days ago:

“Al Qaeda will have to support McCain in the coming election,” read a commentary on a password-protected Islamist Web site that is closely linked to Al Qaeda and often disseminates the group’s propaganda.

The endorsement left the McCain campaign sputtering, and noting helplessly that Hamas appears to prefer Barack Obama. Al Qaeda’s apparent enthusiasm for Mr. McCain is manifestly not reciprocated.

“The transcendent challenge of our time [is] the threat of radical Islamic terrorism,” Senator McCain said in a major foreign policy speech this year, adding, “Any president who does not regard this threat as transcending all others does not deserve to sit in the White House.”

That’s a widespread conservative belief. Mitt Romney compared the threat of militant Islam to that from Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union. Some conservative groups even marked “Islamofascism Awareness Week” earlier this month.

Yet the endorsement of Mr. McCain by a Qaeda-affiliated Web site isn’t a surprise to security specialists. Richard Clarke, the former White House counterterrorism director, and Joseph Nye, the former chairman of the National Intelligence Council, have both suggested that Al Qaeda prefers Mr. McCain and might even try to use terror attacks in the coming days to tip the election to him.

“From their perspective, a continuation of Bush policies is best for recruiting,” said Professor Nye, adding that Mr. McCain is far more likely to continue those policies.

An American president who keeps troops in Iraq indefinitely, fulminates about Islamic terrorism, inclines toward military solutions and antagonizes other nations is an excellent recruiting tool. In contrast, an African-American president with a Muslim grandfather and a penchant for building bridges rather than blowing them up would give Al Qaeda recruiters fits.

During the cold war, the American ideological fear of communism led us to mistake every muddle-headed leftist for a Soviet pawn. Our myopia helped lead to catastrophe in Vietnam.

In the same way today, an exaggerated fear of “Islamofascism” elides a complex reality and leads us to overreact and damage our own interests. Perhaps the best example is one of the least-known failures in Bush administration foreign policy: Somalia. Read on using the link…

The “Al Qaeda” is fake.

Sounds like a no-brainer to me, on the part of Al Qaeda. The other guy wants to end the war, and what fun would that be? With no war, Al Qaeda would have to pay for their own publicity again. :slight_smile:

Besides, as McCain keeps reminding us, he’s already been “tested.” He sat in a jet on an aircraft carrier in 1962, ready to go in the Cuban Missle Crisis. Not sure what the exact test was there, as he would either be told to carry out his mission or stand down. But he was well-tested in Vietnam, no question about that. Neither candidate has any track record of how they would perform as the Commander In Chief though. I kind of like how the younger candidate says he wants to make a point of actually getting Osama Bin Laden. To me, that’s a little piece of unfinished business that’s gnawing at the American conscience while we continue to shovel money into Iraq.

John McCain won’t end the war which is bankrupting this country. The Soviet-Afghan War helped bankrupt and crash the USSR after that “World Superpower vs. Muslims” war. Same thing is happening here, basically.

IIRC, Al Qaeda endorsed Kerry in the 2004 election. And we know how that turned out. Maybe they’re thinking reverse psychology this time.

All your answers lie here:

Its only 2 hours long, just watch it.

It’s good to hear you got past the two-party system. Unfortunately it looks like war candidate one and war candidate two are in the lead and one of them will take this election.

Obama wants to end the war in Iraq. He wants to continue and expand the war in Afghanistan. There is still going to be a war going on with troops fighting. Al Qaeda will still have a fight and a cause to use to drum up support for their cause and drum up members and fighters.

it’s reverse psychology. they want to trick us into electing obama so we pull out of the middle east prematurely so al qaeda can wreak havok more easily once again.

The war is a scam thought by the governement.
The 9/11 attacks were the start of a giant scam to proceed “terrorism”
As long as people think there is an al queda, they are going to think there is terrorism, and terrorism is why people think they have to give “donations” to the government.

As long at the war is going on, the government gets money, and thats the way they want it.

they want a bigger deficit?

SHAY_CAM, I swear, you must be Shaun Johanneson’s younger clone or something.

No-body wants to beleive me, but im obviously informed, im not just pulling this information out of my freaking ass. Watch zeitgeist.

All I have to say is wow. Just wow.

You got me there. Who would lie in a movie. Pfft, I have YouTube thus I’m informed and knowledgeable about world politics.

Your also stupid as hell in every thread you post.

I agree.


Shay… no need to start lashing out.
I’ve checked out all sides of the arguments, and for me I’ve come to the conclusion that 9/11 wasn’t an inside job but it might have been preventable and there was and still probably is, a lot of cover-up about it.

Basicly, and you might know this already. They knew about 9/11 3 days before it happened, and that is a true, stated, fact. Thank you for look at my side at least, somewhat.