Curious if anyone’s familiar with AJETA unicycles. I’d never heard of them before a few nights ago when I discovered them by accident.
They appear to make good stuff on the freestyle side, anyway, and have sponsored riders doing impressive tricks. A forum search brings up little, except some links to a nice-looking freestyle convention, and a thread suggesting that they were (purposely or not) passing off counterfeit Nimbus unicycles of inferior quality as the real thing some years ago.
I’m mostly just curious because I thought I had a decent lay of the land where manufacturers were concerned.
What’s the deal with these guys?
It’s called AJATA, with 3 “A”.
It’s a german unicycle shop. They also produce some parts, especially for freestyle but also for flat or race. I have an Ajata freestyle frame, it’s really good quality. Also their hubs are nice. I would say, it’s about the same quality level as Nimbus or Qu-Ax.
Thanks for the correction on spelling–I tried to edit my original post but I don’t yet have permission to do so.
Yes, the freestyle cycles are what I was noticing. Looks like they’re including aluminum hubs with their Agravic frame, and some of their freestyle/X-Style riders are doing a fair amount of hopping around on them, provided they’re running the stock wheelset. I found that to be interesting.
The Agravic aluminum frame is one of the best, if not the best, freestyle frame you can get. If you want a fair priced top quality freestyle or race unicycle, ajata unicycles are a good deal. I believe, a big part of the german freestyle elite rides Ajata unicycles.