Can someone please help
I used this the other day whilst doing stand-up, it just sorta came to me whilst on stage and basically the idea was:
If you are in an airtight room, can you pass wind?
I mulled it around abit and talked on the subject for a while but basically i was just wondering if anyone knew?
I have asked alot of people, mainly concentrated on dads and uncles because they normally know about these things but no one has ben able to give me a direct yes or no answer…
Unless the pressure in the room is higher than the pressure in your “wherever-it-is-that-you-store-the-wind”. Edit: but then you wouldn’t be able to stay in that room for long anyway.
Also, I don’t think you’d really want to do it, no ventilation, you know what I mean…
Yes. Ask Mr. Methane. That’s how he loads up. He’s able to suck wind then expel.
If high pressure air was to be able to overwhelm the sphincter seal then deep sea divers would end up with a water enema when they fart while diving. Hopefully that is not a problem for divers cause that could get messy when they get back to the surface.
Yes, you can fart in an airtight, pressurized room. Your internal pressure will equilibrate with whatever the ambient pressure is. As long as you can survive you can keep on tooting. Your lungs can produce a differential pressure of about 0.5 psig. Your colon and sphincter can’t quite manage that. Flatulence pressure will be well below 0.5 psig. The volume is rather small, about a liter distributed over 14 daily emissions. This is less than 100cc per blast with a pressure of less than 0.04 bar, nothing dramatic there. Your volume will change (decrease) slightly as you rip one and the gas will fill the newly available volume produced in the room.
Havent you ever broken wind wearing coveralls?? Of course then you emediatly inhale to keep from beathing so even though you let gas out your breathing in so it equalizes out. One wonders about skin divers (divers without air tanks) if they dive deep enough can they pass gas?? Or since thier bodies are exposed to the water pressure and possibly equalizing with it then the extra internal pressure would allow them to fart thereby popelling them further down. This would also make them heavyer.