AIDS Cure- Sick joke, or not?

Sick joke.

What do you think?

Doesn’t sound like a joke, but sad for anyone who dies because of it. If that guy’s government starts “imposing” his remedy on people without any research, it’s definitely no joke. Sure it would be nice if the stuff works, but can you say wishful thinking? We will know for sure in time…

im not to sure, i would love for it to be true but its hard to believe, hopfuly scientific tests will prove its a cure but even then im sure it will be a while before it can be prescribed, the fact that it has come to attention on RND would sugest it is just a sick joke unfortionatly

How is that ment to me funny mate? :thinking:

I don’t think that anybody thinks it is a joke but I also do not believe that it is actually a cure. The results reported are probably genuine enough but this may be from only a small percentage of people taking the concoction. It is probably the faith in their leader that had made them believe that this “cure” will work and it is having a placebo effect. The fact that they will not let it be tested shows that they are afraid that it will not stand up as a cure under these tests.

Thats just my opinion, feel free to disagree.

who is that being said to, i dont believe anyones trying to be funny

It’s not supposed to be funny. Sick joke as in fake, not true.

I don’t think he’s telling the truth. They won’t reveal the concoction, and the president won’t comment on it. He’s probably just feeding the words into the peoples mouths, and telling them what to say to the press.

It’s doubtfully a cure, but I think in order for it to classify as a “sick joke” I think the intent has to be there.

The guy who came up with this cure probably actually believes in it, so he’s not intentionally pulling the wool over anyone’s eyes.

If it has a placebo effect and extends the quality or length of these people’s lives I think that’s a positive thing. Because in that part of the world it’s likely this herbal “cure” or nothing. And if it’s having a placebo effect it’s better than nothing.

well i recon it does nothing either. Especially if its forced. But if it can highten some peoples hopes.

I do think its sad because it would be real easy if he really believed it to send it to some pharmaceutical companies for real testing. Plus then the whole world could benefit. SO i dont recon its true.

oh, I thought you ment sick as in “that uni is sick!” :slight_smile:

Very interesting article…I sorely wish he would release this “concoction” to international pharmaceutical (not sure I spelled that right) labs, cause I’m extremely curious to see if it actually works. Time will tell, though.

Placebo can have amazing and clinically proven effects.

It’s true. I take some every day! Mine have little "m"s on them and seem to have a slight aphrodesiac effect… :slight_smile:

oooo my shakes head whilsts smiling

I hope it’s no joke. That would be simply amazing.

If you need an solid medical example of the placebo effect. A decade ago my mother was on a drug trial for a Multiple Sclerosis treatment, being injected once a week by an RN.

Both her, her doctor, and the study doctor were amazed at the power of the drug. She had more energy, she was able to exercise more, she was getting stronger, she was having fewer relapses, etc.

When the study ended and she actually went into a depression for months after she found out she was in the placebo group.

The drug passed and went to market and she now takes the real drug, but is disappointed that the real drug isn’t having as nice an effect on her condition as the placebo had.

The other thing is there are now doctors that are prescribing placebo inhalers to kid asthma patients with great results.


Placebo effect is a funny thing. It’s known to have a bigger effect with some problems than with others.

Placebos don’t help with hallucinations as much as they do with anxiety, and they work even better with depression. 1/3 of subjects get rid of their headaches with placebos.

But the new drug that helps people learn to ride a unicycle within a half hour has virtually NO placebo effect.

PS: Circumcision by males appears to be very effective against contracting HIV, reducing transmission by nearly 50%.

I just hope he isn’t trying to fight AIDS by giving people with AIDS arsenic or something.

As many people said, hopefully it’s a cure, but all we can really do it sit back and wait.

Now if we can just get the Jews to figure out how to circumcise women.

Why is it that the Jews are always one step ahead of you?