
Hi everyone, I from Philly, and am stationed in Sasebo, Japan with the US Navy. I learned to ride a 24 in in middle school and rode on an off through college. Recently I became the proud owner of a Coker Big One. Though it is very different from what I learned on, I hope to become proficient enough to use it on my 4 mile commute, and perhaps bring it with me when my ship goes out.

Thank you! for serving our country, and you will love the 36er everyone does :smiley:

36ers are BIG in Japan!

Sorry couldn’t resist.

Welcome to the forums. 36ers are a lot different to ride than smaller unicycles and a whole lot of fun. Once you get the hang of the thing 4 miles won’t be enough and you will want to just cruise.

It is a great feeling getting up to a moderate speed then nearly effortlessly keeping it there. Floating over the pavement at 15 km/h (or 10mph, since yer merican)

I hope you have a long and uneventful career.