ok, my ass really hurts now, my sadlle is liek four time smaller than my butt! i think i ned a new one. oh yea geuss my uni, the small saddle came standard with it.
United saddle? Savage Saddle?
You won’t know true saddle soreness until you do 13 miles on a miyata(not an airsaddle)
no my savage saddle is more comfortable than this thing, its my unistar torker cx 24"
no keep geussin
oh crap i already posted the answer haha
13? That all? I’ve done 40+ on mine, and I’m sure others have gone further.
ooch, the baby Torker saddles are haaard. You should get a new one as soon as possible, before this one renders you infertile.
dude i think the torker seats are really comfy but that could be do to me riding on a crappy savage seat for about 6 monthes but then again i took the bad boy on a 23 mile ride so i dont really care
Chances are you’re thinking of the wrong Torker seat. there’s three, one of which was designed by Satan himself: http://www.unicycle.com/shopping/shopexd.asp?id=241
wuddya know i was thinking of te wrong one i was thinking of
http://www.unicycle.com/shopping/shopexd.asp?id=777 silly me, but still i did ride 23 miles on my crappy savage seat and those are 100% satanist seats
haha, theres a picture of my unicycle flaoting around here somewheres, its got a good side veiw onf my saddle
Wow, 23 miles on a savage… I did 4 last summer and thought it would kill me. Bravo to anyone who road any length of time sitting on those and living to tell the tale…
I had a old savage. PAIN My new Torker has a very comphy seat that is nothing like your talking about
my viscount saddle is comfortable try that. theyre only like $25
I like small saddles because they are easier to pull out from underneeth you and i find them a lot more bareable than anything else.
Notice i am talking about small saddles
I have been thinking about buying a viscount for quite a while, and just switching it out with my miyata airasaddle to seel how it feels. Who knows…
i went around my block on a savage
Oh did you wow.
Really it is pathetic trying to come across as someone you are not… 32226
my friend has a torker saddle from his giraffe and it was nasty so we got so serious squishy foam and put it in it is so comfortable. I never knew how easy it is to take aprt a torker saddle