
as i woke up the other day and got on my uni to ride to the breakfast table (i was camping so i was outside), i found that my tire was flat. i figured i had pinched the tire the day before because it was really low. anyway…so as i took the tire off i discovered there was a dead huntsman inbetween the tire and the tube…wtf!!! and there was heaps of blood and guts everywhere.

the spider had either been in there for a long time, or it had crawled in there when the tire went flat.

does anyone else think this is the most random thing ever or has this happened to you?? …maybe its natural for a huntsman to climb into small and cramped spaces.

I was making an air saddle to my friends seat, and I took the back bumper off, and there were a few earwigs in there, one was still alive.

I had to grab a snack, now I am off to bed, again. =p

oh go to bed already jerrick!

edit: ohhh yeah umm, no it’s not that weird, i mean sure it’s weird theres a spider in there, but the spider had to be somewhere, so why not there?

thats kinda cool.

i rekon its not wierd that the spider would be in a small and cramped space and why not a tire, but the thing is how did it get in there?

I’m glad I dont live in Australia, I hate spiders.:o
And sertendly that kind of BIG spiders

Ahahahahha, that’s one of the best spider stories I’v ever heard. How big was it? There’s a pretty big huntsman in a corner of my house but sshhhhhhh, my sister doesn’t know yet:D

your sister will find out when you put it on her bed and scare the crap out of her?

Or tie a string to it and hang it above her head.

the spider was about 4-5cm (roughly) in diametre, it was dead and all squished but i could still kinda make out its size. im still woundering how a spider that big could squeeze through the edge of the tire and the rim wall.

Maybe he chewed a hole in your tire and caused the flat?? and then the wind was so trong he spontaneously exploded…Hmm? Isnt that a possibility?

I didn’t know what a huntsman was so I did a search and found some photos and info. Seems like certain specimens can get quite large. I’ve only seen one, ever. A few years ago, I opened the door to my back patio and one of these ran in the house. Spiders totally creep me out so, before I could even think, I dispatched him with the bottom of my shoe. I kinda of regretted it afterwards because he was so large and rather strikingly marked. Should have had the presence of mind to capture him.

I live in Arkansas so I have to dell with spiders.

I don’t like spiders!

If we had those around here, I would put one in a jar and set it beside my sisters bed. She would like it I think. :smiley:

I’m not keen on spiders either… :astonished:

Bornugly you bad boy!!! I am his sister.

WHOA you’re a female too. wholey crap, we’re being taken over by females!!

that or i’m slowly finding out who the females are.

oh yeah, cool name by the way :slight_smile:

we’re not being taken over.
they’re getting recruited.

You are not being taken over by females. :roll_eyes:

how i wish