After getting rather irritated with the number of useless (in my opinion) threads in RSU, I decided to start an aggressive ignore list. I began by placing about 20 users on it, and then adding more in at the rate of 7-10 a week. I’m somewhere near the 100 users blocked mark, so I figured I’d let people know how it has panned out.
It’s working quite well. My RSU front page is almost always whittled down to about 10 threads, all of which are the only ones I’d be interested in reading anyway. Most of what is left are ride reports, interesting videos and pictures, uni events, cool accomplishments, purposeful equipment discussion and intelligent questions from both newbies and veterans.
A couple of complaints / ideas:
While threads started by blocked users are filtered from search results, individual posts remain. There’s a lot of digital chaff floating around in the RSU history, making it difficult to find a good specific post, especially if it resides inside a long thread started by a blocked user (somewhat common).
Also, when you click on a username, an “add user to ignore list” option would be nice, maybe below the “add user to buddy list” option. As far as I can tell it currently takes three clicks plus a “copy-paste” operation to ignore a user.
It would be cool if I could shut off the ignore list for viewing other forums, like Just Conversation.
If anyone’s interested, here’s my personal RSU “blocked” criteria:
Horrible spelling, grammar, and punctuation by a native english speaker (“lolz I knEed help frum u PS im lik 18 so dont eckspects me to spel gude k thx bbi”)
Which uni is “bestest and strongerest”?
One-word and/or purposeless posts
Lazy questions
Pointless profanity
Abusive treatment of others / Trolling
Polls of any kind
And sometimes: Discussion of unicycling topics that I just find uninteresting.