Aggressive ignore list trial run - results

After getting rather irritated with the number of useless (in my opinion) threads in RSU, I decided to start an aggressive ignore list. I began by placing about 20 users on it, and then adding more in at the rate of 7-10 a week. I’m somewhere near the 100 users blocked mark, so I figured I’d let people know how it has panned out.

It’s working quite well. My RSU front page is almost always whittled down to about 10 threads, all of which are the only ones I’d be interested in reading anyway. Most of what is left are ride reports, interesting videos and pictures, uni events, cool accomplishments, purposeful equipment discussion and intelligent questions from both newbies and veterans.

A couple of complaints / ideas:
While threads started by blocked users are filtered from search results, individual posts remain. There’s a lot of digital chaff floating around in the RSU history, making it difficult to find a good specific post, especially if it resides inside a long thread started by a blocked user (somewhat common).

Also, when you click on a username, an “add user to ignore list” option would be nice, maybe below the “add user to buddy list” option. As far as I can tell it currently takes three clicks plus a “copy-paste” operation to ignore a user.

It would be cool if I could shut off the ignore list for viewing other forums, like Just Conversation.

If anyone’s interested, here’s my personal RSU “blocked” criteria:

Horrible spelling, grammar, and punctuation by a native english speaker (“lolz I knEed help frum u PS im lik 18 so dont eckspects me to spel gude k thx bbi”)
Which uni is “bestest and strongerest”?
One-word and/or purposeless posts
Lazy questions
Pointless profanity
Abusive treatment of others / Trolling
Polls of any kind

And sometimes: Discussion of unicycling topics that I just find uninteresting.

am I on your list?

You may be depriving yourself of some useful posts too.

I have only two people on my ignore list. I tolerate a certain amount of good natured inanity. It’s only when someone is persistently inane or boorish that I feel the need to block them.

The problem I then get is when one of the people “ignored” is extensively quoted in a later post on a thread. I can’t help reading the quote, then I get irritated because it’s so predictable.

Maybe I just need to loosen up a bit.

It is now over two months since I’ve had the opportunity to ride a unicycle at all, and it’s only the general chit chat in the forum that’s kept my morale up.

The alternative though is to spend a lot more time reading useless posts, in which case time becomes a limiting factor that makes you miss even more useful posts that by filtering.

In anycase, it’s good to hear that the tools available are helping.

Can you still get pms from people on your ignore list?

<insert standard ignore list “who said that?” joke here> :slight_smile:


he cant see what any of us are writing…we’re all on his ignore list…lol!

he probably thinks no one is replying…hey, can I ignore myself? test time.


My prediction is that everyone who posts in this thread gets ignored. Actually I don’t really mind filtering through the useless posts, some of them are kind of entertaining. Most of the time I’ll just look at the first post and decide if I want to keep reading from there. If I decide not to, it’s only cost me about 10 seconds so it’s nothing I’m gonna worry about.

if he is ignoreing you he just cant see if you start a thread but he can still see you in the replys

Generally, if there’s a thread of interest, I’ll still click through the blocked warnings and read most posts. It isn’t that much of a hinderance.

The most useful thing about it (for me) is that it completely drops a huge chunk of uninteresting threads from my front page. I probably miss a few interesting posts here and there, but…ignorance is bliss. :smiley:

And no, I won’t entertain any “am I on your list” questions. It’s nothing personal if you are, and nothing special if you aren’t!

I bet I am :slight_smile:

i think it would be funny if i am…only people i blocked were evan, catboy, and like a few others…

What’s trolling?

Let the world know, James Potter posted a correctly written post, with capitalization and all.
So what does ignoring someone do?
For instance, if I ignore Habbywall, would all of his spam forums on JC go away? How about his replies?

I’m not positive, but I’m pretty sure it’s blatant stupidity…like just being anoying on purpose, posts with no content, things like that
Don’t quote me on that though

Yes, that’s pretty much what I meant.


I can’t believe you did that man…how could you

so i think the most high ranking troll is probly habbywall lol

Wikipedia: Internet troll

I’ll admit to trolling in JC. I keeps it real in RSU, doe.