Advice for new grads

if I could offer you only one tip for the future…sunscreen would be it.

Get smart.

please fasten your seatbelt, and keeps arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times.

…and don’t exit the car until it has come to it’s complete and final stop.

No! Gosh! Friggin idiot!

Then you are a Friggin Hypocrite! Gosh!

And then Trogdor smote the maestro8, and all was laid to Burnination

I said everyone… you are not one, but two or three (how many aliases do you go by?) therefore you do not qualify. The whole multiple personalities thing creeps me out. Sorry, thanks for playing, please try again!

One real name. One alias. Both indicate my real name. Woah, creepy!

LOL, though. Were you trying to be amusing? Was that a friendly gesture I detected?

Advice to grads… admit when you have been burninated. :slight_smile:

The money you spend on your girl friend now is money your spending on another mans wife.
93% of time this is true
Oh and also, 68% of statistics are made up on the spot.
This is true 68% of the time.

Never stop educating yourself. Read constantly. If you need to find more time, then throw your television in the garbage. *

Also, it’s never too late to learn the difference between…

  • to, two, and too

  • its and it’s

  • your and you’re

  • of and have (as in *should of)

The better your grammar and spelling, the more it looks like you actually read books. (Well, that’s my personal opinion, anyway. By reading and therefore repetitively encountering examples of correct spelling and grammar, it seems that one should “pick it up”. On the other hand, I only have a vague notion of how to use a comma properly, so I guess YMMV.)

    • yes, I follow my own advice

Its, abvius, your, a, padantik, putts. This, should of bin, cleer, two evry 1, to. But i felt like sayin it anyway.

Be nice to Musca domestica.

tell thems you love that you love them every day and cherish every day like its your last

believe me you it cud be i know

Re: Advice for new grads

I rode my Schwinn Giraffe to my HS graduation ceremony and watched it while I looked over the top of the fence.

I think parents are likely to remember the commencement speech much better than the kids. The kids are all waiting for that moment when they can chuck those funny hats into the air, and then get the hell out of there and party!

Eat the USDA recommended servings of fruits and veggies each and every day. You sure want to stay nice ‘n’ regular to succeed in this ole world.