OK, so, to start off, I would like to say that I receive comments regarding my height on an almost daily basis. The two most frequently asked questions almost always come in the following order:
How tall are you?
Do you play basketball?
I reply with, " 6’5"; No." (Though sometimes I like to mess with them a bit by telling them that I am 5’17" - make them think a bit, you know )
I can see a number of advantages for being tall (reaching things, longer strides, etc.), but there are also quite a number of disadvantages that most people do not think of, which are listed below:
a) not fitting in most showers (shower head too low, not enough room to move around).
b) hitting hands on ceiling fans while stretching or clothing oneself.
c) ducking to enter/exit some rooms.
d) not enough room in cars (headroom, legroom).
e) potential future back problems.
f) finding clothing that fits properly (35" inseam + 33" waist = difficultly buying pants that fit right, long arms + thin/long torso = difficulty buying longsleeve shirts)
I’ve been compiling a mental list over the past few days due to the increased interrogation that has come along with my new retail job (more contact with people), and I’ve been wondering if any of you “short people” have thought about similar advantages/disadvantages that you have over us “tall people”?
Oh mannnn… I’m only fifteen but people say that I look like I’m nineteen. Part of it is that I started growing a beard early but I think it’s mostly cuz I’m tall.
People ask me what kind of car I have and stuff. It’s funny. Last time I checked, I was just under six feet.
My main problem is purley an aesthetic issue. I think that I’d look better if I was shorter.
Also, most of my friends are kind of short and I stick out like a thumb.
A sore one.
Buy your convertible carefully! If you’re too tall your vision will be blocked by the top of the windshield. Also you’re going to want to drive with the top up from time to time…
What? Are you wearing a hat in that picture? It’s hard to see.
My perspective comes from being 5’3". I think HAZMAT might have meant short people can take off faster then taller people. One major advantage I have is I don’t hit my head on stuff. One disadvantage I came across was when I was in the military I wanted to join the Military Police and wasn’t allowed to because they have to be 5’7" tall. Female MP’s can be 5’3", but not the men. I can see there point because how intimidating does a man look at 5’3", but I was still not happy.
I am somewhat tall for my age (6’1"), and I get asked those questions alot.
When people ask if you play basketball, respond “No, do you play miniature golf?” It works every time.
For advantages/disavantages, I think that tall people may not live as long. I mean, when is the last time you saw a 80-year-old 6’4" person walking around?
I’m 6’6" and has almost always been tall for my age. The number one advantage was that noone picked fights against me in school.
Other advantages where that I reached the “You have to be this tall” at amusementpark rides sooner*.
Later in life it hasn’t been much of an advantage.
Tall seatpost bend more easily than short ones.
I feel I have to sit at the back of the room when someone does a presentation so I won’t block the view, and everyone always use too small fonts on their slides.
*Now those thingies you have to pull down over your shoulders to prevent you from flying off the rollercoster are often set too low. If they come down automaticly they mash themselves into my shoulders and don’t come all the way down and the ride becomes unsafe and no fun.