Adopted Giraffe maintenance

Happy to say that I won my Ebay Giraffe 5 foot Torker Unistar TX and picked it up in Seattle this morning!


I’ve heard about the sprockets slipping and the handedness of the sprocket threading being of issue. I don’t want any equipment related UPDs, so I am looking for suggestions for what I should test for tightness. looseness, what needs to be disassembled and reassemmbled with locktite, grease etc etc.


you should put this in the other forum

my lock ring sliped. Bring it to a b*ke shop and get them to tighten both of them with locktite

I will!


Congratulations on the giraffe, I just got my TX last week.

I was trying to freemount it, and I put all my weight on the back pedal, and all that pressure on it caused the lockring to slip. I took it to a bike shop, and the head mechanic there looked it over, and said the cog is threaded backwards, so backwards pressure loosens it. The lockring is threaded oppisite the cog, holding it on. He said to ride it uphill fast, cranking it hard to tighten the cog(because forward pressure tightens it, and your thighs can tighten it much more than you could by hand) then jump off immieditly without any backwards pressure on the pedals so they stay tight, then take it in and tighten the lock ring to get rid of the space there. You have to have a special hook-wrench.

Thanks Forrest Uni Freak,
Glad you got yours fixed up. What a drag to have equip failure right off!

I am happy the threads are " correct" for tightening upon forward pedaling. It will be a while before I do much backwards riding on it if ever!

I seem to remember some posting that the chain should be on the left, I can’t find it, but seesms everything is fine in Torker TX land. My chain is on the right.

Have fun. I’m anxious to get up on mine, but I promised myself I have to wait until my big job interview on Friday. I don’t want to be hurt for that (Murphy’s law…)


That uphill thing is pretty smart. I guess itwould be pretty stupid to go downhill on a giraffe like that, that would probably result in equipment failure downhill 5 feet in the air, which really wouldn’t be cool
