Addicted to Impact!

Just a little vid to show you guys our new frames :smiley:

Still converting.

You guys can watch it now and here is the youtube link to.

it didnt play the video? i just got sound :s

me too :smiley:

No sound for me either.
Ni kan inte mena allvar och lyssna på FÅGELN ROGER!! den är sämst! Den var bra i en vecka under sommaren 07… :stuck_out_tongue:

just the sound for me too

Not now, it wasnt completly converting sucess

The vimeo didnt work but youtube does.

Og det var en gång en liten fågel sangen, jeg fikk bare lyst å bruke den :stuck_out_tongue:

yes youtube works…
I love the music and editing :smiley:
you did some very good tricks and nice double back :stuck_out_tongue:

I love it


Thanks man!

lol meg på framsiden av youtube igjen :stuck_out_tongue: this is working :smiley:

Adde, märkte du inte att där de skrev att det var en reversed varialroll var det egentligen något annat…

JO såklart jag såg det. Jag sa det till dom på MSN men han ville inte att jag skulle skriva det :stuck_out_tongue: Jag gör det ändå haha.

That wasnt a Reversed Varialroll, only a fakie varialroll. Reversed is much cooler :smiley:

Den er jo dritfet! :stuck_out_tongue:

nice tricks guys. Were those your favorite Christmas presents (ball-in-cups)?

Haha :stuck_out_tongue: But no both of them belongs to Petter and it wasn’t a christmas present. And it’s called a kendama :wink:

I liked the video (and the song :D) but the text flying everywhere across the screen after every trick was a bit annoying in my opinion.

Thanks for all the comment :smiley: