Acrobatic Move

was just wondering what this acrobatci move is called bacause ive just learnt it :slight_smile:


Ive seen that before and i can do it on a trampoline but not on springfloor(yet). Right now id just call it a onefooted back-kickflipmobiledoodadamaboberthingamajiggy domaflatchy

Lol more like 1/2 gayna.

Ive just learnt it on a normal non sprung floor so u should have no problem


Backwards somersault, one footed, maybe?

Lol that’s what I though, guess I was wrong.

Is that meant to be in time with the music?

Lol the reason why it has music is because it comes from a Video that i downloaded and thought id learn it, aint got myself doing it yet but will soon


what video is this could ya give me a link?

Sure, Ill give you the whole website link because its got alsorts of acrobatic tutorials on it and different Videos.
Main Website (it can take a while to load)
And summerforce video
Great choice of music having Afi :slight_smile:


2 words: “Kick A$$”