was just wondering what this acrobatci move is called bacause ive just learnt it
was just wondering what this acrobatci move is called bacause ive just learnt it
Ive seen that before and i can do it on a trampoline but not on springfloor(yet). Right now id just call it a onefooted back-kickflipmobiledoodadamaboberthingamajiggy domaflatchy
Lol more like 1/2 gayna.
Ive just learnt it on a normal non sprung floor so u should have no problem
Backwards somersault, one footed, maybe?
Lol that’s what I though, guess I was wrong.
Is that meant to be in time with the music?
Lol the reason why it has music is because it comes from a Video that i downloaded and thought id learn it, aint got myself doing it yet but will soon
what video is this could ya give me a link?
Sure, Ill give you the whole website link because its got alsorts of acrobatic tutorials on it and different Videos.
Main Website (it can take a while to load)
And summerforce video
Great choice of music having Afi
2 words: “Kick A$$”