acoustic guitar players

I’m enjoying listening to acoustic guitar a lot lately. Les Finnigan is a wonderful acoustic guitar player and a local musician who busks in a nearby market. His cd’s are getting lots of play time. I’ve also been listening a lot to Keola Beamer a wonderful Hawaiian slack guitar player.

…and for you, which acoustic guitar players do you enjoy?


oops, stupid caps but i enjoy listening to don ross, and justin king, they are two really great acoustic finger style players

Bob Dylan
Phil Ochs
David Bromberg
Leo Kottke
Norman Blake
Neil Young
Dan Crary
Mississippi John Hurt
Doc Watson…

…to name a few.

Not in order of favorite except maybe for David Grier:

David Grier
Jorma Kaukonen
Guy Van Duser
Tommy Emmanuel
Tony Rice
Mike Marshall

i play but i dont listen alot. i mostly just playback the tapes of my practice to hear what i do wrong.

Josh Ritter…he’s from Moscow Idaho which is where I’m from. and he’s also an amazingly awesome guitarist. and singer.

i play mandolin… which is kind of a cross between a guitar and a violin…

I used to play classical during high school and college. Now I just listen to the Romeros, for example, this release, and most especially Sergio and Odair Assad, such as my most absolutest favorite.

Check out Paul McMordie. A new one to my ears yet very wonderful.

Also seconding the suggestion of Josh Ritter. Further to Jjuggle’s suggestions try John Martyn and Nick Drake. John Martyn is playing up the road from me tomorrow night. My boss and some friends are going to see him…I’m doubly gutted as I missed him at Glastonbury this year and can’t afford to see him tomorrow due to a commitment in Nodnol.

There’s another chap who I’m racking my brain to remember but it’ll have to wait 'til tomorrow when I can ask my mam.