Abuse of security cameras

I looked for this story on NewsMax and I was surprised that it wasn’t there. A NewsMax link would have given it credibility. :smiley:

I saw this on the local (Seattle area) TV news tonight.

Yet another reason why government should not be trusted with security cameras. I shudder at the thought of the US government or US cities putting up cameras the way the UK does.

School security cameras catch a kiss

Click through for the rest of the story.

The TV news interviewed parents at the school and many of the parents were supportive of the idea that the school should turn over tapes like that to parents. Having surveillance video like that is too much of a temptation for people to abuse. How would the parents feel if it was a govt camera out on a public sidewalk? Betcha they’d be all for having the tape turned over to them so they could know what their kid was doing.

All in the name of freedom.


Ahaha, wow. Just go to show how much attention some places pay to the security videos. The principal at my school once forgot the password to access the footage once because nobody ever uses them, and if they do it’s usually only to say “we saw you doing this, see, we do check our footage”.

Arg! Forgot the link

School security cameras catch a kiss

Course, Google News would have found the same story with a few suitable keywords.

When I was in school they didn’t have video surveillance. Same for when your teachers, administrators, and principal were in school. They only know the system from the other side (the side of authority). Don’t expect too much sympathy from them when the time comes.

The fact that the tape was even leaked to the parents is disturbing. The fact that tapes like that can be archived is even worse.

That’s just terrible. They film you and then tell other people about it and give them the footage.

Two girls were kissing… it’s their private business! Can’t people have a peace of mind? It’s like they allow your parents to watch you even when they’re not there. When do you learn to act on your own? They can’t enforce discipline by taping all your actions.

Uff, this is incoherent, but I’m just very annoyed with the whole thing. Poor children(and adults).

I would really hate that. When your getting close to someone, you definatley dont want it taped. Its just an invasion of privacy. Like, if I’m with my girlfriend, and we kiss, why the hell does anybody care. Kissing isn’t bad, and why should it matter? They don’t have to show my parents, my parents already know, and the fact they would do this just because it was 2 girls is just stupid.

And, God forbid 2 girls walk down the hall holding hands… Really, I mean c’mon, they weren’t doing anything to harm anybody else. So why should that matter. Why does the school have to show that to their parents? It dosen’t make much sense and just shows that school isn’t always the safest place.

Unwittingly, the parents and the school are increasing the likelihood these girls will pursue each other.

Ambivalence (ie., mixed feelings: things I like about you, and things I don’t like) is inherent in any relationship. The authorities are allowing the negative pole of the ambivalence to be externalized, so the girls themselves don’t have to experience it.

It also creates a stronger alliance between the two girls, against those who don’t understand them.

Love is eternal.

Where is the GLBT* Division of the ACLU??? This is blatant discrimination/hate against the GLBT community.

I demand the resignation of the school principal for teaching HATE.


What’s ACLU?

I demand resignation of the school principal for being a dumbass.

American Civil Liberties Union



It looks like we’ve started a movement here! On Monday morning, thousands will gather outside the school to DEMAND the RESIGNATION of the PRINCIPAL!!! The school board is holding an emergency meeting, the switchboard is clogged, the Police Chief has mandated overtime for all patrolmen!!!

ACLU is the American Civil Liberties Union.

i dont really think its abuse of the camera.

i mean if theyre doing it out in the open then hey it’s fair game.

It’s Keith Nelson, the high school’s dean of students, who must resign!!!

"Keith Nelson, the high school’s dean of students, shared the footage with the parents of one of the girls. They have since transferred her to another school, officials said.

“It’s not our normal practice,” said Principal Greg Schellenberg. “It’s not going to happen again.”

The other girl, who remains at Gig Harbor High, says their privacy was invaded."

Correction: Principal Greg Schellenberg is actually sides with the Lesbians!! It’s Keith Nelson, the high school’s dean of students, who must resign!!!

As much as I disargee with using security cameras for such non-important things, I have to disagree with Ivan on the quoted statement above. Something is not private business if it’s conducted in a public place.

I don’t feel that the right to privacy must protect your actions in a public place.

Okay, maybe it is not strictly private, but that doesn’t mean that the school has to spy on them and record their actions on tape so that they can later squeal to the parents. They haven’t done anything illegal, have they? Or is it against the school policy to kiss outside of classes, when noone(except the hidden cameras) can see?

The parents reaction was also a bit out of proportion. Personally, I blame society.

Just out of interest, how old were the girls?

Oh damn, did you cancel the beat-up?!

The parents don’t sound very nice

No, but the Dean is the target!!

you’re right! While we’re at it, let’s demand the parents resignation!

all the security cameras here get taken out with well aimed rifle shots

Is it on YouTube yet?

So you wouldn’t mind being recorded the next time you use a public restroom?