About the "Most Views" thread

I wanted to start a thread entitled “fewest replies” – and request that nobody reply to it (yeah, right). Pointless, but also uninteresting and short lived. I like your idea much better! I will view it every day. How can we keep it from sinking to the bottom? Convince Gilby of the “importance” of our little experiment so that he pins the thread?

Dave (uni57)

Re: About the “Most Views” thread

I categorically refuse to view the most views thread and hope it sinks down into well deserved obscurity. But I will take this opportunity to welcome Dave (GILD) back to the boards although I expect better from him as far as posts go. Perhaps he’s just still groggy from the anesthesia; or perhaps David Beckham is still applying a bit of pressure.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Re: Re: About the “Most Views” thread

Raphael, was this “helpful”?! :smiley:

Dave (uni57)

Re: Re: Re: About the “Most Views” thread

Well technically speaking I still haven’t “viewed” the “Most Views” thread. So, in answer to your question, I suppose, yes.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

wget http://www.unicyclist.com/forums/showthread.php\?s=\&threadid=27878 -O /dev/null/
sleep 1

Yikes! And I felt bad after hitting the refresh key about twenty times. Let’s not make “Most Views” responsible for overloading Gilby’s machine!

Also, that’s an interesting way to loop. Does bash notice the “tail recursion” and therefore not start a new process?

Dave (uni57)

Edit: the quoted code, which does not wrap, made the post too wide.

How do I post a video on the Gallery page? I don’t know how to create a profile so I can log in! HELP!!!

No, this will fill up your process table eventually.

If you change the line to:

. $0

You will not fork new processes, but you will eventually run out of memory.

If you use:

exec $0

you will have a well behaved program (at least from your perspective). Gilby will still be unhappy, though. :astonished:

This is not quite what I had in mind. If this is to be the most views ever, why should we not reply? At least if we reply there is something new to view, it’s just the objective is different from in the “Most replies” thread. I think the “Most views” thread would be more interesting if it grows and changes like other threads in the forum. It is more of a “Most views least replies” thread, but it can never get any lower than no replies which I am sure has happened many times. I don’t mind what you have done, it’s just strange that you have added the condition of no replies. It will never be any more rewarding to view than your first view, almost defeating the purpose of a thread most viewed.

ITEMNO530, go back a page or two in “most replys” and you’ll see how I got through that ordeal.

(that was a bit nebulous before i edited it)

not entirely…
if there was a lot of interesting stuff to view and people went to view it, what’s been achieved?
that’s the principle this kind of forum site runs on
by suggesting something as stupid as viewing something that has nothing to see, we trancend the stupidity inherent in our everyday lives and teeter on the brink of achieving something thouroghly inane
and if that’s not the point of
this thread, then i just dont know…


thanx,…i think

I categorically refuse to post in the most views thread.

We each have our limits. :slight_smile:

Dave Lowell (uni57)

That doesn’t make sense to me. I think something has been achieved if there is interesting stuff to view and people view it, and contribute to it. Because it is entertainment if you can interact and relate to it, and that is why many people visit the internet. Merely clicking for the sake of clicking seems like an outwar stunt, get as many hits as possible without having anything decent to view. I guess I should shut up and post something decent to read there… or maybe not.


Your scheme makes more sense to me after thinking about it for a bit (while refreshing), The less replies there are, the quicker it will load, and there is a long way to go in order for it to reach the most views.

oh, dahling, i love it when u get all technical!


“Technically”, it’s fewer replies, not less.

(another pointless post, brought to you by uni57 – but hey, “it’s my thread, and I’ll post if I want to… post if I want to…”)

Dave Lowell (uni57)

Didacts and Narpets…