Yeah, the little rubber thingy it has. Besides, it’s dudeTTE. Besides, I could always just copy/paste it from the character map.
I can rip every key off a board in under a minute…
i must admit, putting them back on takes a little longer…
While you are at it, switch some of them around.
If the person only “hunts and pecks” to type they won’t notice. Then for example: When they type “the” it would appear “mud” on the screen, ect.
…have fun.
Ha ha!
use this:
use this
swollow it
You want me to smash my computer or the e, 3, F4, 5, r and 4? Then the guys at CompUSA will ruin it even more!
Most people use only 3% of that, and I don’t have the big version! I’ll use…neither!
Or the…uh…what’s that called? It says…think like a doctor…uh, brain…The last picture!
andy you’re a cutie!
Thanks? I’m wondering the same thing as you,(on your sig) “What is…normal?” Scientifically, physically and mentally, there’s no such thing! Is there?
umm…I don’t believe there is a thing as “normal”…what is it? if its there, then someone explaine to me! Have you ever met a “normal” anything? it’s blowing my mind!!
Mine too! I read through something about the Sonic Hedgehog gene, which makes you “normal” and some people have more, some have less, so, therefore, there is a person in the world that’s more “normal” than the rest. And that person would be different than the rest of the world by being more normal! Have you ever heard about the Grandather Paranox? It’s pretty much like this.
lol no I have not, I’ll go look it up!!
hmm well that was interesting…I found something on going back in time and killing you’re grandfather…uh huh…
Yeah, one of the loopholes in time travel. What website did you read it from?I got it from How Stuff Works.
it’s very interesting
Indeed. I got it from here. The whole article is also interesting.
i happen to have a small piece of oreo stuck under my W key, so i have to push it harder
Is your computer a laptop? If it’s not, well… you’re lucky. I’m gonna take Tae Kwan Do at 6 today! YEAHH! I’m gonna take it for free for a week, see if I like it, and for $30/month if I like it. So awesome! I’m gonna be a ninja! Not really, but it would be awesome, watashi wa namae deku sa?(was it?) (“What’s your name?” in japanese, I’m not a very reliable English to Japanese dictionary…)